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Knock, knock. Who's There? Not Sandra, b/c she offended many and tarnished her good name
What's "worse" than being a "black, disabled one armed, drug addicted, jewish queer, who is on a pacemaker HIV positive, bald, orphaned, unemployed, lives in a slum, and has a Mexican boyfriend"? Well, according to a lame joke posted to a community weblog by former a city council woman in Dacono, Colo., only being a Democrat would be "worse" than all of the aforementioned "horrible" things.
Yes, as you might have already heard, Dacono councilwoman Sandra Tucker posted an offensive and widely disparaging joke onto a public website forum. And proving that she's just as stubborn as she is unable to understand the nature of offense, Tucker has resigned from her post rather than remove the joke:
Dacono councilwoman quits after racial email [Denver Post]
Tucker's response to the brouhaha is:
"Listen, I'm 4-foot-11 and I'm blond, so I've heard all the jokes about that and I'm not offended," ..."People just don't laugh anymore. They are afraid."
Our response to Tucker:
"Listen, When the short blondes of the world are enslaved, beaten, killed, thrown in concentration camps, or persecuted because of who they are, then get back to us"