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MassResistance raises the bar on mature photo labeling -- again

by Jeremy Hooper

Remember a few weeks back when we showed you how the MassResistance group had made the mature choice to label a photo of Bay Windows reporter Ethan Jacobs with the word "weasel"? Well check this out. On the group's blog, they have now posted a series of photos from past gay events at which they have been involved, all with suitable labels to describe the goings on in the pics. For instance, for this picture...

Picture 1-136

...they use this label:

Picture 2-114

Or for this "charming" picture is which an impersonator of Chief Justice Margaret Marshall shreds the state constitution...

Picture 3-95

...they have used this label:

Picture 4-105

So all pretty straightforward, right? Okay, well now look at this one. Here is a picture of gay activists speaking out against MassResistance's antics:

Picture 6-100

So you'd imagine they'd use a label like "gay+activists+protest," right? Yea, that's what we thought too. However, we'd both be wrong:

Picture 7-89

Oh yes, you read that correctly. This good and "moral" group who considers gays to be so evil and unsavory have made the deliberate choice to add the adjective "ugly" to their label on this photo. No reason for it. It doesn't help to describe the photo so as to make filing easier. In fact, the person responsible had to take the extra effort to put in an unnecessary word, seemingly just so that they could have some sort of cathartic way to passive-aggressively lash out against their opposition. It's like a fourth grader screaming, "You poopyface!" at their teacher after first making sure that she's no longer within earshot.

But hey, not all of us can be as appealing as the pleasant team from MassResistance:


Mass Resistance Blog [MR]

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

These people are TOUCHED. SRSLY.

I guess this level of pettiness and childishness shouldn't surprise me, but it does. It's just... why would you DO that? It boggles the mind. I guess they think no one can see it or something, but even then.

Posted by: Willie Hewes | Dec 21, 2007 3:09:04 PM

Yea, that's my thing too, Willie. It's just SO COMICALLY CHILDISH!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 21, 2007 3:17:34 PM

I might propose that the "ugly" moniker served a practical purpose for MassResistance.

No offense to the individuals in the pictures, but there were almost certainly other pictures taken at the event that showed the LGBT protesters in a more cheerful and representative light. This particular picture was perhaps one of the less attractive ones taken and therefore deemed suitable for display on the gay-demonizing MassResistance website.

It's a common strategy for anti-gay groups, (or any bias promoting group,) to portray the targets of their bias as an "ugly" charicature.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Dec 21, 2007 6:43:16 PM

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