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Video: McCain anti-civil unions, at least for this week
John McCain's stance on civil unions has certainly flipped and flopped over the years. Yet in this newly uploaded Iowa campaign video (found on an official YouTube channel run by the Senator's staff in Iowa), the GOP hopeful seems to have no problem speaking out against both full and partial equality in terms of same-sex unions:
(For some reason the folks at the Iowa leg of the McCain campaign have disabled embedding for this video. To watch it on YouTube, click the image)
But hey, he's trailing in the polls. Desperate times call for desperate political football games with actual human lives and loves.
Marrige (sic) [YouTube]
**UPDATE: Okay, so this has become the real story in our mind's eye. Regarding the no comments/no embedding thing on their YouTube site, a staffer from McCain's Iowa office just sent us this reasoning:
Our annoyed reply:
Their response back to us:
Our even more annoyed reply:
We'll be sure to let you know if the Iowa leg of the Senator's campaign cares to further "explain" to us why, exactly, Americans being involved in their political process in a more participatory way is a bad thing. Until then, remember not to form or share any thoughts regarding the people who want to run your country, unless they are in a capacity where they can be carefully monitored.
**UPDATE2: They've written back:
Our final thoughts:
***UPDATE3: And this, my friends, is the reason why standing up and accurately stating our views is important:
Your thoughts
McCain will not have a chance to win over the 2 in 10 GLBT Republicans and their vote in the Republican Primary. Shame on him.
Posted by: | Dec 18, 2007 8:35:21 PM
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