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Video: Self-professed hillbilly wants to heal gay Billy

by Jeremy Hooper

There's lots going on in this video. Christmas carols, scrolling banners, tired cliches, textual overlays -- all make an appearance. Unfortunately, aggressive ignorance regarding gay folks is also in abundance:

"Why would you want to propagate [this] particular lifestyle?"

The above is a question posed by this "Christian Hillbilly" (the nickname he has chosen for himself). It's an underlying theme of all anti-gay attacks: Why should we encourage people to be gay? And in all frankness: It is one of the most disturbingly childish lines of thought that exists within our community of humans! For it operates on a supposition that is widely unsupported by research, anecdotal gay experiences, and common sense. However, since it is convenient to the "love the sinner, hate the sin" ideology, it is mindlessly and steadfastly embraced by those who fill that their one-sided interpretations of a man-written book are worth more than the reality of the human experience. And they don't even present it is a theory or a personal opinion. The anti-gay Christians have locked in their minds the idea that homosexuality is the sort of thing that is "chosen" and "propagated," and they have thrown away the reasoned key.

If it was asked of the populus, "Why would you want to propagate being [heterosexual, female, left-handed, blue-eyed, African-American, or any other aspect of the human condition]?" the masses would quickly and resoundingly nip the silly idea in the bud. It's really about time more people stand up and help us in the gay community thwart the widely-accepted, short-sighted notion that saying "I'm a human being who demands to be treated with respect" is the same as saying "I WANT TO USE MY GAY COOTIES TO TURN YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN QUEER!" We might all find that the waters of actuality are more peaceful ones in which to swim.

More reasons why homosexuality IS WRONG [YouTube]

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Your thoughts

This type of ideology on is so toxic. It just shows why its important to have good, comprehensive sex education in schools that teach respect for all sexual diversity. Combating this ideology starts with education. www.sexetc.org

Posted by: Sex, Etc. | Dec 4, 2007 12:56:56 PM

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