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Video: 'Trans'forming lemons into lemonade
Last week we told you about a forthcoming Logo network dating show called "TransAmerican Love Story," the likes of which will feature transgender activist, artist, actress and author Calpernia Addams seeking her own worthy suitor. Well, apparently the programming news has brought about some unfriendly comments from the nameless faceless Internet mob, which Calpernia and cohort Andrea James will now read for your pleasure:
You know what? Screw the whole "finding love" motif. Let's just have the ladies read hate mail every week. Why not give the public a true glimpse of trans life, the likes of which is often filled with unwarranted hate from spineless people? We'd certainly watch! Tila Tequila and all of those bachelor people have the whole dating on TV thing locked up anyway. And let's be real here -- is anything resembling true love ever achieved on these shows? We're thinking no.
So come on, Logo: Green light "Calpy and Andrea Read Hate Mail In Various Voices While Wearing Various Headwear" for next season. You need a water cooler show; trans people need to throw water on the still-raging fires of transphobia. And our idea would -- well, okay, it would likely provide neither. But it would keep us all from having to watch yet another variation on the rose ceremony. And that's something, right?
Calpy Slams - Reading Comments on Transamerican Love Story [YouTube]
Technorati Tags: Calpernia Addams