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WND EXCLUSIVE! Readily available info. 'unveiled'!!
Oh, WorldNetDaily. The conservative "news" outlet is always quick to mislead or misrepresent with the most sensational headlines that their gay-detesting minds can dream up. And this morning's above-the-banner, "breaking news" headline is no different:
Wow, sounds sensational! And we're sure there are many anti-gays ready to applaud WND for their investigative journalism. The only problem, however? This "school plot" that they've "unveiled" in this "exclusive" is not being hidden from anyone. It's simply an email that the GSA Network has published to its site. It's not hidden. It's not manipulative. it is simply the plan that the GSA Network intends to us to encourage more LGBT-inclusive curriculum in schools. Here's a portion of it:
In October, your GSA should have received a copy of our new, campaign guide titled Sharing Our Stories: Fighting For LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum In Your School. This campaign guide was developed after several GSAs told us they wanted more advice and tools to use when tackling the issue of curriculum at their school.
Here’s a sneak peak at what this new campaign guide has to offer:
Let’s Set the Record Straight: History Isn’t
The contributions of LGBTQ individuals to the United States and our history are diverse, numerous, and, unfortunately mostly left unexplored by textbooks and classroom lessons. For example, when we learn about the civil rights movements of the 20th century, do we also hear about Stonewall and that it was started by people like Sylvia Rivera, a Latina transwoman who went on to devote much of her life fighting for the rights of transgender, queer, and homeless people?
LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum Benefits Every Student
• History educates us about what came before us and helps us understand what is happening now in our world. LGBTQ-inclusive history is more complete and accurate, giving us a better understanding of our past and present.
• We recognize ourselves when we read about what the revolutionaries, the poets, the inventors, and the leaders of the past fought for, won, lost, and accomplished. Knowing and understanding their struggles helps us comprehend our own, and helps us feel a little less invisible no matter where we live.
• Teaching LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum helps to create schools where students feel safer and more supported. The California Safe Schools Coalition’s analysis of results from the Preventing School Harassment Survey revealed that in schools where the majority of reporting students learned about LGBTQ issues in the curriculum, “Students reported fewer mean rumors or lies spread about them, fewer reports of being made fun of because of their looks or they the way they talk, and less LGBT bullying.”
Why is LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum Important & Necessary?
In many schools, learning about LGBTQ issues takes the form of very necessary tolerance education where students are educated about the importance of not discriminating against each other. Tolerance education is an important first step, but we need to push further. Infuse LGBTQ curriculum into history, social science, and literature classes, and students can start learning that LGBTQ individuals have made valuable contributions to our history. We can break down ignorance even more and create respect for everyone.
You can read the full message on the GSA Network's site, where it is readily available (not hidden) for all eyes to see. That's because no matter how much the opposition wants to make it look as if our "agenda" is an insidious "plot" that we feel the need to hide, the truth is that none of us on the pro-gay side make any bones about our desire for inclusive curriculum! We make no apologies for seeking childhoods filled with acceptance rather than teasing. And we make no attempts to soften our voices because we think it might ruffle gay-unfriendly feathers!
With their duplicitous headline and story, WND is once again trying to reframe the debate to once again make gay activists look like sneaky manipulators hellbent on indoctrinating children with "immorality." They can't just publish the GSA Network's email and let readers make up their own minds. No, no -- they have to let their writers and "pro-family" spokespeople present truncated ideas from the message, which they then proceed to twist and misconstrue so that they sound unsavory. It is the sort of deceptive treatment that defines the anti-gay side in this so-called "culture war." They know that truth, fairness, and equality is not on their side, so they have to go to lengths to make it sound as if they are "saving society" from the pesky homosexuals and their "plots."
What these folks need to admit to themselves is that in the "plot" of this play that society calls the "culture war," they are playing the role of the antagonist. Their need to resort to code-wording and their lack of transparency show that they realize this on some level. Now it's time for them to either grow a spine and admit their true desires (a gay-discrimiantory world) or get out of this fight altogether.
Stripped bare: 'Gay' school plot unveiled [WND]