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|| October 14, 2007 - October 20, 2007 »
You know that song about needing a little Christmas, wherein the choral voices express their deep desire for some rapid yuletide spirit? Well that's how this writer currently feels about fall. It's been so unseasonably warm in NYC this early...
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When it comes to anti-gay politicking, this Empire strikes back
Last night, this writer had the pleasure of attending the fall dinner of New York's finest gay advocacy organization, the Empire State Pride Agenda. It was a night of hope. A night of optimism. But most importantly, it was a...
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Since they're so PC, we know they'll be supportive
A general manager at Microsoft, Michael Wallent, has come out as transgender, announcing that he will return to work in January as Megan: Microsoft Sex Change [Valleywag] Begging the question: When will Microsoft curb their mission of getting rid of...
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City of bro' love gets dude-loving robe-wearer
Philadelphia today swore in the first openly gay judge in the city's history, Common Pleas Court Judge Daniel Anders: Philadelphia's 1st Gay Male Judge Sworn In [AP via WPVI] Consequently, thousands of the city's openly judgmental types will today swear...
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Video: Those with good hygiene think he's off color
Oh, that Fox News. They get so racy after midnight! Consider this clip from "Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld," which airs on the network every night @2:00am Eastern time: (thanks to Towleroad for directing us to the clip) Get it?...
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Video: These are random people? Really?
This video was put together by The Noble Room, which is a youth-focused church group that meets in California. Ostensibly, it is just random people they picked up off the street and asked about homosexuality. However, we have our doubts....
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Hammering away at the truth
Yesterday, we showed you how Focus on the Family has become even more fear-mongery in terms of marriage equality than most reasoned people would think humanly possible. Well today they've put that "sky is gonna fall if you let two...
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You're coming out today? Bravo!
Today is National Coming Out Day. And since buying every LGBT person a gift would be too expensive and time consuming (we don't know even know everyone's size, after all), we have to take alternate courses to rewarding your individual...
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Mahmoud: Dude, I got screwed!
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's camp is is now blaming the interpreter at the Columbia University event for misquoting the Iranian president on the whole "there are no gays in Iran" thing. Instead, Ahmadinejad's press secretary tells Reuters what Mah-Ahm really said was...
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Video: Kansas family holds weekend gathering
We haven't shown you the lunacy of a Westboro Baptist protest in quit some time. So here, have a look at their recent picket of the 26th Annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service in Emmitsburg, MD (as filmed by Velvet Revolution):...
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Her work was righteous? Honorable? ... Hmm, can't think of the right word
Before there was a Mark Leno in every state house and a Tammy Baldwin in the halls of Congress, there was Elaine Noble. Back in 1974, she became the first openly lesbian or gay candidate elected to a state legislature...
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'Queer, Used To Be' pissed at 'Dear Abby'
Remember yesterday when we told you how "Dear Abby" has come out in support of gay marriage (and made some of you grown with our story about our pet deer, Abby)? Well, professional "ex-gay" Stephen Bennett is quite crabby over...
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Video: Straight vs. 'ex-gay" -- an irreconcilable difference
Wayne Besen has identified four women who were once married to closeted gay men that identified as "ex-gay." These are the sad stories of living under false pretenses with a man who they never really knew: This is the damage...
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Wherein Focus puts marriage on deathwatch
In our years covering marriage issues, we've seen all sorts of fear-mongering from the "pro-family" set. However, this latest from Focus on the Family might just be the most "sky is falling"-like piece of anti-marriage equality rhetoric we have ever...
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Video: It's not TV. It's 'ex-H-O-M-O '
We're not sure how we've missed these sad yet campy "ex-gay" videos in the months since they were uploaded. However, the important thing is that we've found them: Oh my. These really look like sketches from "Saturday Night Living As...
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Bama pulls levers for yet another gay candidate
Last summer, Patricia Todd became the first open lesbian candidate to ever be elected to public office in the state of Alabama when she won a seat in the state House. Last night, Howard Bayless (pic) joined Ms. Todd in...
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Oh, that Abby's such a dear
She's always come across as gay friendly in her advice column. However, "Dear Abby" aka Abigail Van Buren aka Jeanne Philips, has come out to say that she fully supports gays and gay marriage: 'Dear Abby' Says She's for Gay...
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'Christian' posts anti-gay words into Barack's mouth
In a piece regarding Barack Obama's usage of faith while on the campaign trail, Michelle Vu over at Christian Post today makes this very flawed assertion about Mr. O's views on gays (highlighting our own): Despite Obama’s increased “God talk,”...
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WND Poll: Punched in the face, taught about gay marriage; tomato, tomahto
Oh, WorldNetDaily. They can always be relied upon for "sane" poll results: (results as of 2:07 PM) Wow, teaching children that our world is peppered with loving gay couple who crave legally-recognized monogamy is on par with child abuse? Well,...
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Video: Those who sing a looney tune
Animated political cartoonist Mark Fiore takes on the "rainbow of possiblity" that exists along "the anti-gay continuum." Check it out: Cute. But let's not forget about the "Bizarrely ObsessedoSexuals," a group to which the vast majority of supposedly gay-unfriendly Americans...
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AFA sends a 'WTF?' to MSM
So you might have heard that the religious right is pissed at the mainstream media, because they feel that news outlets deliberately chose not to cover the recent Folsom Street Fair event so as to protect the "gay agenda." But,...
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Video: Dr O'Malley prescribes respect
This is a new GLAAD video in support of National Coming Out Day (10/11): TR Knight: National Coming Out Day PSA Right on. And it's nice to hear T.R. get to have a moment to share his thoughts without his...
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Is church achin' over Clay?
On Monday, November 26th, Clay Aiken is scheduled to perform at Wichita's Central Christian Church. However, according to some media reports, the issue of whether or not Clay is gay has some in the church questioning whether the former "American...
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Beaver stater discriminators take a licking
The Oregon 'mo foes who were trying to overturn the state's recently passed domestic partnership law failed yesterday to turn in enough signatures to place the legislature-initatied measure on the November 2008 ballot for a popular vote: Law for domestic...
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Forget Chelsea: Rudy boards far right gravy train
A few weeks back, we told you how disappointed we were to see that 80's icon Ben Stein was planning to speak at the Family Research Council's annual gay hatefest, the Values Voters Summit. And we still are disappointed in...
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Beebe adopts an underveloped stance
Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe said today that he thinks the proposed constitutional amendment that would ban gay and unmarried couples in the state from fostering or adopting children goes too far. But don't get too excited, gays. The Democratic governor...
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From Russia with no queer love
There has been a frightening movement growing in parts of California, wherein scores of Slavic evangelical extremists (mostly first- or second-generation immigrants from the former Soviet Union) are vehemently and sometimes violently protesting gay rights and their proponents. The Southern...
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Video: Who'll support us, Who'llowa us an apology someday?
How are Iowans reacting to the gay marriage developments in their state? Well, some local students took an opportunity to find out: Funny how the little kids have the wisest things to say on this. But you know, that actually...
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Equality goes commercial
This week throughout the Golden State, the fantastic Equality California group will begin airing 60-second TV ads in which they will encourage residents to open their hearts and minds to the idea of marriage equality: Same-sex marriage backers go to...
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Because writing 'We've gone nuts' on the board would've been too direct
Simply because he voted against a state constitutional ban on gay marriage, some New Jersey-based foes of the 'mos have erected the following billboard in Springfield, MA, as a way to attack Mass. State Rep Angelo Puppolo: NOM Launches "Betrayed"...
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