« October 7, 2007 - October 13, 2007 ||
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|| October 21, 2007 - October 27, 2007 »
FINALLY: A 'Values Voters' wrap-up
For complete coverage of the Family Research Council's so-called Values Voters Summit, this is the full archive. For highlights from individual speakers, here are those links: Roger Hedgecock Mike Huckabee Mark Levin Rudy Giuliani Phyllis Schlafly Mitt Romney Daniel Lapin...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 15)
Talk show host Roger Hedgecock on gay pride parade participation and the "audacity" of California liberals who wish to keep LGBT kids safe from bullying and harassment: SB"666" -- oh that's clever, Roger. Though luckily for us, we don't have...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 14)
Mike Huckabee lost a ton of weight a few years ago. Unfortunately, it wasn't the mass of his body that contains his learned bias against gay people that was shed from his frame: What do you think would get this...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 13)
Radio host Mark Levin: Forgive this "little guy" if he doesn't agree with Mr. Levin's assessment. 'Values Voters Summit' Coverage -- Clip 14 [YouTube] **MORE: See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7,...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 12)
So Rudy Giuliani didn't really address gay marriage or any of our rights issues in his pandering address to the "values voters." He did, however, make every attempt to wash the crippling stink of liberalism off of his behind. A...
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Rowling: Dumbledore into hairy potters
During an appearance last night at NYC's Carnegie Hall, Harry Potter scribe J.K. Rowling revealed for the first time that the character of Professor Albus Dumbledore is gay: J.K. Rowling Outs Hogwarts Character [Chi Tribune] Consequently, the character of Professor...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 11)
When watching this, please remember that conservative stalwart Phyllis Schlafly (like so many social conservatives) has a gay son: Ms. Schlafly has said many times in the press that she wishes people would stop bringing up that she has an...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 10)
You know what's heartwarming? Spending some quality time with the love of your life on a Friday evening, swapping stories about the minutiae of your week over a nice glass of Pinot. You know what's the opposite of heartwarming? Having...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 9)
Rabbi Daniel Lapin: Uhm, "there are no arguments" after this simplistic religious refutation of civil marriage (which is what gays are seeking)? Hmm..well, try these: (A) It's a complete lie to say that the "Bible says [gay marriage] is wrong."...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 8)
We weren't familiar with Johnathan and Deborah Flora (a filmmaker and his actress wife) until today. However, they certainly have some opinions about us: Oh yes -- our "agenda" of wanting to see our lives represented in entertainment. It wasn't...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 6)
Here is Alan Sears highlighting recent accomplishments of the Alliance Defense Fund (a.k.a. the court cases that will be remembered as sources of shame for future generations of fair-minded Americans): 'Values Voters Summit' Coverage -- Clip 6 [YouTube] **MORE: See...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 7)
Star Parker is one of those who went from one extreme to another. She is someone who claims to have once been a drug addicted thief who had multiple abortions, a back story that she essentially equates with being a...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 5)
So this isn't gay-specific. However, it shows you just how fair-minded marriage equality foe Duncan Hunter would be in terms of appointing judges who don't share his brain: 'Values Voters Summit' Coverage -- Clip 5 [YouTube] **MORE: See Part 1,...
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Barney takes step out of 'T-less' doghouse
Barney Frank may be the one who's been catching the most sh*t for removing gender identity protections from ENDA. Now, however, the openly gay Rep. is urging members of Congress to vote in favor of Rep. Tammy Baldwin's proposed amendment,...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 4)
Just to give you an idea of what sort of mindset is permeating the audience of this here Values Voters Summit, take a look at this short clip. The discussion at hand is how people of faith to the left...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 3)
At Lynyrd Skynyrd concerts, the band plays "Free Bird" to get the crowd eating our of their hand. At a socially conservative pow-wow, however? The surefire rally cry is the false claim that judges are somehow violating their authority when...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 1)
As you might already know, the so-called "Value Voters" Summit begins today in D.C. We will be bringing you coverage throughout the day, beginning with this call to action from our ol' buddy Tony Perkins: (forgive the date -- it...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 2)
Sam Brownback demonstrating the sort of out-of-touch views that will (reportedly) lead him to drop from the election in the coming days: 'Value Voters Summit' Coverage -- Clip 2 [YouTube] **MORE: See Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,...
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Video: High decibel levels don't equal truth
On several occasions this week, we have told you about the social conservative speakers and groups who are lashing out against Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for "daring" to approve measures that encourage non-discrimination of LGBT kids in California's public schools. Well,...
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Sam I am; President I am not.
GOP White House hopeful and longtime gay rights foe Sam Brownback is reportedly planning on withdrawing from the presidential race: Brownback to Drop Out? [WaPo] News to which the Democratic frontrunners responded, "Good, it wasn't his concession speech that I...
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Divisive ENDA version advances divisivisely
Well, so much for wiping the sh*t off the ENDA fan; the House Committee on Education and Labor has sent the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to the full House without the inclusion of gender identity.: House committee passes non-inclusive ENDA [P1Q]...
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Wherein TVC complies with gay wishes
So remember yesterday when we caught the Traditional Values Coalition using an image for their anti-gay campaigns that they had lifted without the permission of the pro-gay photographer? Well, we're happy to report that the organization has responded to our...
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Heath visits HRC store, finds it too equality-encouraging
Maine's most notorious professional anti-gay, Mike Heath, is in Washington DC to meet with his fellow activists, ostensibly to plot out the ways that they can keep their "pro-family" ruse up for a bit longer. And while in that land...
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Peter threatens to take his anti-gay ball and go home
Speaking about Gov. Arnold Schwarzengger's recent signage of a handful of gay rights measures into law, as well as the seemingly more moderate trends creeping up in the GOP in general, Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera says today: If the...
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Alan Chambers on the tyranny of DNA
Responding to a new study that seeks to determine if there is a genetic link to homosexuality, professional "ex-gay" Alan Chambers says that even positive findings wouldn't much change his views on the subject. He tells Focus on the Family's...
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Lesbian sent powder; desire for her to wear more makeup not feared intent
A package containing a suspicious white powder was found today outside the office of openly gay NYC City Council Speaker Christine Quinn: White powder found in NY government building [Reuters via Yahoo! News] We give it an hour before militant...
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TVC to followers: Let's 'drag' down ENDA!
As a way to rally their followers into writing their legislator and demanding that they vote against ENDA (The Employment Non-Discrimination Act), those silly Californians at the Traditional Values Coalition are running this ridiculously over the top image: Yes, because...
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Tale of two Freds gets wider notice
So remember yesterday when we told you how Westboro Baptist is claiming that they once saw "eye to eye" with Fred Thompson on gay rights issues? Well, that story has now hit the mainstream media, with the AP now running...
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Super important news of the day: When Brit learned Lance's truth
Lance Bass reportedly says in a new GQ interview that he came out to Britney Spears on the night of her first ill-fated wedding. Page Six reports Bass as saying: "It was the night of her first wedding, actually. I...
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Lynwood convention: From Russia with no gay love
Remember when we told you about the rise of Slavic anti-gay extremists that is being documented throughout California? Well, unfortunately that frightening affront to societal progression seems to only be ramping up its popularity, with the big dogs of that...
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BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE: 'WorldNet' cares little about actuality
So say you are a far-right socially conservative new outlet and you want to make a recently passed piece of legislation that's meant to protect gays from discrimination look like it's an attack on heterosexuality. What better way could you...
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Tammy B. seeks an ENDA with 'T'
In an attempt to heal the wounds that have been created by removing gender identity from ENDA (The Employment Non-Discrimination Act), openly lesbian Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin has announced that she'll propose an amendment to restore trans protections: Lesbian Lawmaker Offers...
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'Blog': Not synonymous with 'bullshit'!
So we feel like we have no choice but to acknowledge the Matt Lauer/ Larry Craig interview that aired last night. However, we don't want to even discuss the allegations against Craig or the lack of candor we perceive in...
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Video: For some reason this one really bugs us
Oh, how we regret teaching grandpa how to use YouTube: Though you know, we're actually okay with the comparison between gays and ticks. After all, both do eventually cause us to get... sodomites [YouTube]
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Cameron skepticism unites us all
Warren Throckmorton (pic.) is a proponent of the "ex-gay" movement with whom we have disagreed on many occasions. However, when it comes to the flawed "research" of the widely discredited Paul Cameron, it would seem that we have found ourselves...
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Video: All bark and no bite
Look out, Westboro Baptist. Judging by this protest of the Zion United Church of Christ in Henderson, KY, a group calling themselves Pilgrim Baptist Church is gunning for your gig: Isn't it weird how a God who so masterfully and...
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Does Thompson have a Phelpsian past?
We've seen GOP hopeful Fred Thompson waver on the gay marriage issue a few times now, with the candidate mostly coming across as an annoyingly gay-unfriendly social conservative, yet not as an vehemently anti-gay far-right extremist. But behind Thompson's somewhat...
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Video: Jake, did you know what you were mountin'?
Oh, that sly and bawdy Meredith: But if you think that's a suggestive double entendre, just wait until later this week, when we hear she'll ask Heath Ledger if he had any clue about what he was sliding into. Brokeback:...
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FOF pics get even more shocking
Well, Focus on The Family's trend of using ridiculously fear-mongery imagery continues today. This is how they have chosen to highlight a story regarding the upcoming vote on ENDA (The Employment NonDiscrimination Act): Ah, yes. If our nation votes to...
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Video: e(vangelical)Harmony
The folks at the Family Research Council have fired up their right brains and concocted a new ad for their upcoming gay-unfriendly soiree, the so-called "Values Voters Summit." Check it out: Quite appropriate that they chose to parody eHarmony, the...
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'But we're not done playing smear the queer yet,' cries far-right
Responding to the news that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed four bills that encourage the betterment of gay people in the state of California, Karen England of the "pro-family" Capitol Resource Institute tells One News Now: "...apparently he doesn't want...
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New Study: Do these genes make my ass look gay?
The largest study to ever take place regarding the possible genetic causes for homosexuality is getting underway in Chicago. Check out this AP story for more info: Study seeks genetic links to being gay [AP via Yahoo!] In a related...
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They're scared of two mummies; how frightening can they be, really?
AAAAAAAAH!!! Run for the ability to live your lives openly! Just in time for Halloween, the boys at Queerty have profiled "The 20 Most Frightful Anti-Gay Activists." Go have a look at part one, in which the first ten are...
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The truth: These kids don't want to cease fire!
The Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (or a ghost writer) has posted the following in his "Washington Update" section. Read it and then we'll get back to you: No Surrender Discussions of the "culture wars" in America remind me of...
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Craig: Romney left tire tracks on my face
The AP has published some excerpts from the interview that Matt Lauer has conducted with Sen. Larry Craig (which is set to air tomorrow night). And the most revelatory revelation from those released excerpts? That Craig feels betrayed by Mitt...
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'Heartbreak Kid' not only misguided CA product to stink up the weekend
So as you've probably already heard, over the weekend the producers of the 2026 documentary film, Historical Missteps of the Early 21St Century: How and Why So Many Public Officials Forfeited Their Opportunities To Be Civil Rights Heroes, found yet...
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