« January 10, 2008 ||
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|| January 14, 2008 »
Audio: Mike & Ken -- clearly it's love
Remember when we told you how Washington's most draconian anti-gay personality, Ken Hutcherson, is trying to get fellow evangelicals to buy up Microsoft stock so that they can turn the company towards the queer-hostile? Well Michelangelo Signorile, never a shrinking...
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Video: My candidate can out-reactionary your guy!
[::Ding, ding ding::] And the winner is: Whoever the Dems run against any of these nominees! GOP 2008: I Love This Fight!
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Birds of a rabidly anti-gay feather flock to Mike
Wanna know the type of mindset that wants a Mike Huckabee presidency? Well, just look at who's helping the Huckster to gain ground in Michigan. This from CNN: "We laid the groundwork," says Gary Glenn, one of the leaders of...
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Birds of a rabidly anti-gay feather flock to Mike
Wanna know the type of mindset that wants a Mike Huckabee presidency? Well, just look at who's helping the Huckster to gain ground in Michigan. This from CNN: "We laid the groundwork," says Gary Glenn, one of the leaders of...
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Hmm...well what about your bath? Also off limits?
Though the years, we've seen our opposition come up with some pretty silly domain names. There are fallacious doozies like truthatschool.org, the likes of which contains anything but veacity. For a brief time, there was a nutty site called nogayear.com,...
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'Wall Street' gays: Coming freely for 24 years
Twenty four years ago today, editors at the staid, buttoned-up Wall Street Journal began allowing their writers to use the word "gay" instead of "homosexual" within the pages of the fiscally-focused daily. A welcome development, for sure. Unfortunately, however, it...
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Signed, sealed, and delivered from evil: NY Episcopalians say 'sorry'
A coalition of leaders from seven Episcopal congregations in Western New York have released on open letter to the LGBT community, apologizing for the abuses that we have faced at the hands of faith. Much better than the two close-minded...
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Leader finds 'Law' defamatory; we 'Order' him to take another look
The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission is lashing out against the "Law & Order" series because this week's "ripped from the headlines" story featured (a) a Christian college leader who made death threats against a professor who was researching a genetic marker...
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Foes fail to help bullies play 'smear the queer'
And now, in encouraging failure news: Those Californians who've been working to overturn a measure designed to curb gay harassment in the state's public schools announced yesterday that they've failed to collect the signatures needed to bring the issue to...
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