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A penny? For YOUR thoughts? Surely you jest!

by Jeremy Hooper

You know what's funny? That for whatever reason, this website and this writer are on the American Family Association's mailing list of supporters. You know what's not as funny? That in their current solicitation of funds, the group that dedicates considerable energy to keeping gay couples from being able to protect their partners in terms of things like medical insurance is using their own employees' healthcare coverage as a reason why folks should fill their coffers. Check out the below PDF:

(click to download)

Essentially AFA second-in-command Tim Wildmon is citing a $200,000 rise in the company's insurance premiums as reason why people should fork over some cash. And you know what? We might be compassionate if not for the fact that the American Family Association fights tooth and nail to see to it that gay couples are kept as legal strangers, unqualified for a myriad of medical benefits that are automatically extended to married hetero couples before they've even cut the cake. They also fight for the right of employers to fire or refuse to hire gay people on the sole basis of their sexual orientation (thus potentially invalidating their medical insurance once their gayness is discovered). Not to mention they back constitutional bans on gay marriage, the likes of which they have used in places like Michigan (where the organizations' Gary Glenn was the most vocal member of our opposition) to make the case that families of LGBT government workers should have their coverage terminated.

So thanks, AFA, for including us on your list of potential donors. We're flattered. But forgive us if we'd sooner give George W. Bush money to try and change the Constitution to allow him a third term than we would to help you with your own insurance needs. Excuse us if we, while wishing nothing but the best of health for your employees, will not lose a second of sleep over your struggles to provide for them. And we're sure you'll understand if we laugh rather than weep if your financial burdens ultimately force you to close your doors.

Oh, and If we sound unsympathetic -- well, it's because we absolutely intended to.

AFA Donation letter --January 2008 (pdf) [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

I'm on all the mailing lists too, for the first step is to know thine enemy. Of course when I read the emails I have more WTF moments than anything.

But it always helps to see what they're up to.

Posted by: Tony P | Jan 21, 2008 4:43:09 PM

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