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Another evangelical justifies need for dialogue
Alright, so you know that Soulforce event we've told you about a few times? The one where diverse families plan to visit six mega-churches in hopes of engaging in a dialogue on gay issues? And you know how we've already seen people question the motives behind the endeavor? Yea, well, Focus on the Family's Caleb Price has just one-upped all previous scrutiny, saying the following to One News Now:
"As with any temptation to disregard God's clear word on any given matter, this attempt by Soulforce and their allies is a classic example of what we see in Genesis Chapter 3, when the serpent tempts Eve by [asking] 'Did God really say ...?'" says Price. "And I think perhaps the biggest lesson we can take from that account is it's best not to talk to snakes. Scripture clearly teaches that there will be a great falling away in the last days and there will be wolves in sheep's clothing who will try to enter into the fold and deceive even the elect."
Snakes? Wolves in sheep's clothing? Wow. And here we thought Soulforce was less of a dangerous beast and more of reasoned group of well-intentions people of faith who are asking others to not oversimplify a very complicated book.
But hey, what do we know? We're just silly weirdos who choose to reconcile our spiritual beliefs not only with man-written books, but also billion-year-old fossil evidence, the actuality of the human condition, and the reality of the world around us.
Soulforce aims to 'dialogue' with six mega-churches; warning offered [ONN]
Your thoughts
Soulforce is currently recruiting Texas families, couples, and individuals who want to participate in the American Family Outing with a member of their extended family. Application deadline is January 22. For more information, contact [email protected]
Posted by: Paige | Jan 15, 2008 4:13:19 PM
The Bible also says that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Does Caleb then believe that Christians should not have a dialogue with Jews as their beliefs differ on this most central of matters? Should they not dialogue with Muslims because they believe Mohammed to be a prophet?
By Caleb's logic EVERY group that holds non-Christian beliefs, yet wants to promote understanding with Christians is out to trick, deceive and lead away. This is a very unChristian way of thinking.
Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Jan 15, 2008 4:18:31 PM
Hey GayMormonBoy, you are particularly snaky and wolfy. Not only are you a hedonist evil vile homosexual but you are a member of a satanic cult. No talking to you!!
Posted by: Timothy | Jan 16, 2008 5:02:24 PM
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