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Audio: Mike & Ken -- clearly it's love
Remember when we told you how Washington's most draconian anti-gay personality, Ken Hutcherson, is trying to get fellow evangelicals to buy up Microsoft stock so that they can turn the company towards the queer-hostile? Well Michelangelo Signorile, never a shrinking violet, has gone beyond merely writing about Hutcherson from a distance. Today Mike seized the opportunity to have a full-blown conversation with the antagonistic pastor on his Sirius OutQ radio show, on which the politically discordinant duo discussed the aforementioned Microsoft situation. Listen here:
Bravo, Mike. For shame, Ken.
Technorati Tags: Ken Hutcherson, Michelangelo Signorile, Microsoft, Sirius OutQ
Your thoughts
At first, I was getting disappointed with Signorile because he seemed to be too genial.
But I quickly changed my mind. Signorile brilliantly allows this idiot to hang himself. Hutcherson is a man obsessed with his own ego. Excellent interview.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Jan 11, 2008 5:55:58 PM
He sounds greedy and self-serving. What a poor choice of a pastor.
Posted by: Shnugi | Jan 12, 2008 12:03:38 AM
I was totally impressed by Signorile. He brought up points that I might have thought of in a decade or two. Hutcherson should be ashamed of himself, although he's obviously not. He's allowing his hatred of gays to steer him away from the teachings of Jesus. Jesus taught nothing about homosexuality, but he did teach about the need to clothe and feed the poor.
Posted by: Mike in the Tndra | Jan 12, 2008 8:10:03 AM
This is the voice of evil...and worse yet, hypocritical evil.
Posted by: Scooter | Jan 13, 2008 4:19:09 PM
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