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Audio: The homosexual playbook - now, apparently, in Arabic

by Jeremy Hooper

200801101308No group works on their own free will any longer. Any political action that rubs the social conservatives the wrong way is not the product of the particular group's own rage or own thought processes, but rather a direct result of the militant activism that those pesky homosexuals have wrought upon society.

Or so you might believe if you were to listen to this piece from the Concerned Women For America's Matt Barber and Martha Kleder without having the prior knowledge that the two are anti-gay activists who work every day to make queers look unsavory:

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Oh, that good ol "homosexual playbook." Who knew it was less a targeted guide designed to help gays obtain the rights of which they've historically been denied, and more a sweeping how-to manual that any and everyone can borrow for the sole purpose of pissing off evangelical Christians?! Quite a fete of publishing, that tome!!

Muslim Groups Use Page From Homosexual Activist's Playbook [CWA]

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Your thoughts

It's very hard to hear CWA talk about a "powerful" and "well-funded homosexual lobby" and the "tyranny of the minority." Conservative groups like theirs are soooo much more well-funded and continue to weild far more political power.

As far as their definition of "bullying": Apparently asking businesses to stop supporting something you disagree with is what amounts to bullying. (sarcasm)I'm sure no convservative groups have ever put pressure on any company when they disagreed with the forums wherein that company advertised. (end sarcasm)

One more note to Matt Barber: If I hear the term "homosexual lifestyle" one more time I'm going to scream. I know it's beating a dead horse to bring it up but what, pray tell, is the homosexual lifestyle? This grouping of people together into some sort of one-dimensional group of people all engaged in the exact same behavior is just sooooo soooo very offensive. It's like talking about a dangerous "black lifestyle" or "jewish lifestyle." It's just a way to paint a huge and diverse group with every negative sterotype in their arsenal.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Jan 10, 2008 2:16:09 PM

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