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CDC places first egg on Pete & Matt's face
So you know how Matt Barber and Peter LaBarbera have been like kids at Christmas in their eager attempts to make MRSA look like the new AIDS? Well the CDC (a body whose medical advice you might wanna trust a little more) has issued some clarifications to cut through the dangerous spin that Pete & Matt have propagated. Here now, a sample:
The strains of MRSA described in the recent Annals of Internal Medicine have mostly been identified in certain groups of men who have sex with men (MSM), but have also been found in some persons who are not MSM. It is important to note that the groups of MSM in which these isolates have been described are not representative of all MSM, so conclusions can not be drawn about the prevalence of these strains among all MSM. The groups studied in this report may share other characteristics or behaviors that facilitate spread of MRSA, such as frequent skin-to-skin contact.
MRSA is typically transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, which occurs during a variety of activities, including sex. There is no evidence at this time to suggest that it MRSA is a sexually-transmitted infection in the classical sense.
Of course Pete & Matt will likely paint this as liberal spin from yet another organization that has been corrupted by ye' old "homosexual agenda." But you know, whatever. After the mouth-foamingly enthusiastic way they have rushed to judgement this week, we're pretty sure more people than ever now see their far-right spin and anti-gay agenda for the corrupted mindsets that they truly are.
CDC Statement on MRSA in Men Who Have Sex with Men [CDC]
Your thoughts
Wow. Another shining example of "let's pull random s**t out of our collective bungholes which our conservative base will never fact check because the devil dared question god, and look what happened to him." Let me just say... I work in healthcare (a nursing home, to be specific) and I have seen MRSA in all sorts of people... young, old, male, female, sexually active or not (and by the way, not one of them was gay). There is also a form of MRSA which is AIRBORNE, for the love of Pete. What the (enter explicitive of your choice here) is WRONG with these people?! Argh. At least the CDC responded.
Posted by: Laura | Jan 17, 2008 11:01:03 PM
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