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FL nups ban to be saved from itself?

by Jeremy Hooper

200801141643Not so fast, Florida's freedom contrarians. Even though you all announced back in December that you had achieved enough signatures to put a proposed gay marriage ban on the state's 2008 ballot, it is now being reported that the attempt to force voters to weigh in on society-tarnishing bullcrap is actually 22,000-ish signatures short:

Gay marriage ban may not make ballot [Miami Herald]

But don't dance a little jig yet, gays and other lovers of evenhandedness, as Team Queer-Unsympathetic does have until February 1 to try and obtain the needed John Hancocks. And there is that little thing called the Florida primary on Jan. 29, which could easily be used to pinpoint and recruit potential signers. So what do we gays do to ensure that it'll never succeed? Well, we're gonna get all of the nation's pollsters and media personalities to paint our opponents' victory as a sure thing, natch. After all, If we've learned anything over the past few weeks, it's that counting chickens before they've hatched is the one and only way to give the golden egg to someone else.

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Posted by: banshiii | Jan 15, 2008 12:34:49 AM

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