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Foes fail to help bullies play 'smear the queer'

by Jeremy Hooper

California-3-1And now, in encouraging failure news: Those Californians who've been working to overturn a measure designed to curb gay harassment in the state's public schools announced yesterday that they've failed to collect the signatures needed to bring the issue to a referendum this June:

“We have surprised political observers” [California Catholic Daily]

Although it's not all happy news, fellow fans of nondscrimination, as these opponents -- who are working under the enragingly offensive name, "Save Our Kids" -- have filed an initiative with the state attorney general that, if successful, could ultimately fulfill their unrighteous goals. But let's not think about that for now. For now, let's just be glad that too few Californians bought the unscrupulous lies (e.g. the measure will make "mom and dad" discriminatory language, it targets people of faith, it will require gay quotas, etc) to put the well-being of the state's LGBT students up for a popular vote. Gay school kids have been losing popularity contests for far too long as it is.

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Your thoughts

Here's a sad story about bullying in the uk:


Posted by: Bill Ware | Jan 11, 2008 11:14:20 AM

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