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Gays can be trusted with kids, just not rings

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 1-143Tennessee governor Phil Bredesen (D) may have thrown his weight behind a 2006 historical misstep that wrote anti-gay discrimination in the Volunteer State's most precious governing document. Though while he sees no problem with keeping gay couples legal strangers, he will apparently draw the line when it comes to denying those legal strangers the the right to co-adopt. This from the AP:

Bredesen said he would have a different stance on efforts to ban adoptions by gay couples, another hot-button topic that appears likely to arise this session.

The state attorney general last year wrote in a legal opinion that nothing in the state constitution addresses whether gay couples can adopt children. Some Republicans have said they plan to introduce legislation this session that would ban homosexual couples from adopting children.

Bredesen supported a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in 2006. But he said he considers gay adoption a different issue.

"The right of every young child to have a loving home — however you put it together — trumps any other feeling I would have on that subject," he said.

Judges currently have the discretion about whether to grant adoptions by gay couples.

Well goodie. Though even in this statement, it's just obnoxious that he had to qualify his support with the implication that he may have "other feeling"s on the subject. It's totally forfeiting the real issue at hand, which is that the Republicans attempts to ban gay adoption is not only contrary to the Democratic principles of freedom and equality, but also to the human principles of decency and respect.

But again -- it is at least encouraging that the Southern governor is going to apparently put himself on the right side of this issue. Here's just hoping that as the state's Republicans carry out their attempts to make citizens of 2055 look back and ask how the previous generations could've possibly been so short-sighted, Bredesen will help to show why the mere suggestion of such a ban is fundamentally WRONG!

Bredesen to avoid proposal to change constitution on abortion [AP via KnoxNews.com]

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Your thoughts

You are just misinterpreting the political code speak.

"The right of every young child to have a loving home" is polispeak for 'The right of every child to have a heterosexual couple as parents.' Its common practice to say that homosexual adoption is a threat to children because it deprives them of the right to have a mother (/father).

Or it might be that he doesn't know the codes, and is actually trying to say what he sounds like he is trying to say.

Isn't politics fun?

Posted by: Suricou Raven | Jan 15, 2008 5:02:10 AM

No, Suricou, I think you are misinterpreting this one. He is opposing the gay adoption ban. Like mentioned in the post, he qualified that support with the implication that he might have other feelings on a personal level. But the "right of every child.." part is his attempt to support same-sex joint adoption, but only if its phrased in terms of the kid.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 15, 2008 7:09:15 AM

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