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God hates SAGs

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 9-64At last night's Screen Actors Guild Awards, the "fag-hating" folks from Westboro Baptist Church showed up to convey to all in attendance their belief Heath Ledger is now residing in hell. It was all pretty straightforward WBC fare; but if you want to read more details, click the link:

Religious protesters sick stunt: Heath Ledger in hell [Daily Telegraph]

The bad news: They uglied up a ceremony that was already tarnished by the writer's strike.

The good news: Ill-styled stars can take a bit of comfort in knowing that no matter how bad their garment, they likely will see their place on the "Worst Dress List" taken...

Picture 12-36
Picture 11-57Picture 10-60

...by any one of the fashion missteps that make up WBC's congregation.

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