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Johnny Mac picks up coveted anti-endorsement
Forget the candidates that most of us tend to think of as being on the pro-gay side of things (Kucinich, Obama, Clinton, anyone who's running 20+ years from now). In a new press release, the "f*g-hating" folks at Westboro Baptist Church are highlighting and decrying the queer support of a candidate we think is actually pretty hostile towards our rights: John McCain. WBC has released this cover image from an article that appeared in a 1999 issue of the gay magazine "Echo":
And they say the following in their accompanying text:
But then again, who in the public arena's NOT too gay-friendly for Westboro? Hell, if you've ever even smiled during your prostate exam, they're surely gonna accuse you of being a "f*g sympathizer." So it seems a little weird for the family to target McCain in this way, when it's a near certainty that even Huckabee isn't queer-antipathtic enough for their liking.
Although there is still plenty of time. We're sure that by November, any and every one of the candidates' pro-gay speeches, equality-encouraging interviews, and "Will & Grace" box sets in their DVD collections will be brought to light by the family Phelps.
***NOTE: The full Westboro press release can be found on their website. However, a link from us is something those kids never receive.
Your thoughts
Wow. Talk about being over the top, or under the sewer, as the case may be! I recently lived in Arizona for 16 months; trust me, no LGBT person in the state has a "cozy" relationship with McCain, nor vice versa. Many straights in the state can't stand him, either. BTW, I now live in Arkansas, where Eureka Springs recently established a Domestic Partner Registry. So there, Huckles!
Posted by: Carolyn | Jan 15, 2008 11:57:41 AM
Carolyn: We're in contact with Westboro Baptist, hoping to get more explanation on this. Stay tuned.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 15, 2008 12:03:34 PM
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