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Our primary objection: Mike's fans don't care for gays
It's no secret that we fear the idea of a Mike Huckabee presidency in the same way an aging starlet might fear HD-TV or a slug might fear salt. And for yet another example of why we feel that his term would likely make Dubya's look like a progressive time for gay rights, consider this passage from the Seattle Times. The speaker is Tricia Farr, the Washington state coordinator of "Huck's army":
For [Tricia] Farr, however, social issues such as abortion and gay marriage are largely what drew her to Huckabee.
"I see a lot of changes happening, for instance, the homosexual agenda," Farr says. "Things like that where I feel I need to have a say in what's going on."
Since becoming a Christian in 1996, Farr says, she had been "kind of under an impression that Christians just stayed out of politics." But she says Huckabee's campaign has set her straight on that.
"He's not afraid to speak about his faith," Farr says. "Like he says, you don't just tuck your religion in your back pocket. It's part of you."
Yes, again we have a rabid Huckabee supporter being quoted in the media as saying that preventing gay marriage is one of the top reasons why they want the Hucskter in office. Just last week we saw how Gary Glenn, an extremely vocal opponent of gay rights, is serving as a chief supporter for Huck's Michigan bid. It just seems like in every state, all of the people who are so destined to get the former Arkansas governor in the Oval have prioritized "keeping the queers from nuptials" at or near the top of their list. That is not only scary on the obvious equality-stifling level, but also in terms of how it would keep the country focused on the same sort of broken playbook that has guided this country into the toilet for the past seven years!
Fresh candidates and an open field inspire new crop of voters [Seattle Times]