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Our work, Jenny, is to prove decency's better than bias!
Just how fully does our opposition misunderstand the fight for marriage equality? Well, check out this quote from Focus on the Family's Jenny Tyree for some more insight on that front. She's speaking about the Human Rights Campaign's attempts to inform Florida residents of just how discriminatory the state's proposed marriage ban truly is:
"Groups like HRC that want to redefine marriage have their work cut out for them. They have to try to prove that a constitutional amendment isn't necessary, when judicial decisions against state marriage laws demonstrate otherwise.
But here's the thing, Jenny: The work that HRC has cut out for them has nothing do with the judicial decision that you and your side view to have "redefined" marriage! Their work is show that a constitutional amendment isn't necessary because it is FLAT OUT WRONG!!!!! You are the ones trying to take the radical step, and the burden of proof is on you all to demonstrate how and why you think you can alter the nation's most precious governing documents to write in inequality for gay people. It is a total viewpoint bastardization to make it sound as if HRC must defend the state marriage laws that have historically banned gay. We gay activists will NEVER, EVER, EVER make a case for the "righteousness" of these gross historical missteps constitutional marriage bans in terms of how "vulnerable" their absence might leave the laws that have shunned us!
What the pro-gay judicial decisions have demonstrated are that some reasoned courts and judges fundamentally understand that we are all deserving of equal rights and protections. When the antiquated bans fall, our side rejoices over the fact that the courts have recognized the role in protecting the rights of minorities against the tyranny of the majority. We will not apologize for this. It will be your side, Jenny, that ultimately has to apologize to the nation and the world for being so brazen in your suggestions that tax-paying gay couples should have their constitution be turned into a weapon that attacks their lives and loves.
Florida Marriage Amendment Attracts Gay-Activist Group [FOF CitizenLink]