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Photo: Men couldn't keep hands off each other at gay-centric rally
This is a picture that the Des Moines Register took at yesterday's anti-gay marriage rally. Now we ask you -- Are these gentleman:
(photo credit: Holly McQueen/ Register)
(a) Trying to remove the chips they all have on their shoulders because of the recent pro-gay marriage ruling?
(b) Supporting each other's backs, since their anti-gay effort has required them to be spineless?
(c) Involved in a half-assed conga line?
(d) Warming up the cold shoulders that they've been showing to gay people?
You be the judge; they'll continue to be the judgmental.
**Complete photo set: Marriage Amendment Rally [Des Moine Register]
Your thoughts
Posted by: Robguy | Jan 20, 2008 11:14:10 AM
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