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Poll: Gays should never go to a doctor who enjoys 'WorldNetDaily'

by Jeremy Hooper

Below are the results from a recent poll of WorldNetDaily readers:

Picture 3-98

Begging the question: Do you think these folks would at least allow visitation in our death camps, or would we be forced to socialize only with our fellow unhealthy sinners? The mind boggles! Guess we'll just have to wait for a future WND poll for insight on that matter.

Is the homosexual lifestyle healthy? [WND Poll]

*Past WND Polls:
WND Poll: Punched in the face, taught about gay marriage; tomato, tomahto [G-A-Y]
Poll: Heather Poe shouldn't expect Mother's Day cards from WND readers [G-A-Y]
WND Poll: WND's dropping 'e' [G-A-Y]
WND Poll: Results coming in at a frightening Pace [G-A-Y]
Poll: Gay soldiers probably wouldn't want to be a WND reader's bunkmate [G-A-Y]
Our planned store, 'Pride flags for WorldNet readers,' not the best of ideas [G-A-Y]
Or maybe they just REALLY liked Star and Meredith [G-A-Y]
Acceptance in 'skews' [G-A-Y]
We never want to be in a police lineup when a 'WorldNet' reader is on the other side [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

You know, this is why I wanted to find a gay or gay-friendly doctor when I first came out. It was important to me that I get the facts about risks and needed someone who I would feel comfortable discussing the intimate details of my life. I recently realized what a valuable resource I had when my doctor actually brought up the rise he was seeing in MRSA infections several months ago and highlighted the importance of being careful at the gym to avoid infection. When I first saw the article regarding the rise of infections in certain areas, my mind immediately went to the gym, a place where many gay men go and the risk for infection of this type would natuarally be higher. I am gald that there has been more informaiton since the first sensationalistic stories and for the fact that simple cleanliness (soap and water) after the gym and sex severely reduce your risk of MRSA.

Posted by: Todd | Jan 21, 2008 7:00:01 PM

Jeremy, I think you meant "Posing the question" or "Raising the question". "Begging the question" has got to be the most misused statement in the English language. It really has nothing whatsoever to do with a "question" at all. It is a type of logical fallacy used in a circular argument. I only bring this up because I know you are meticulous in your writing and I'm sure you would want to know if you used something improperly. Google "begging the question". It's a very interesting and somewhat confusing rhetorical tactic; something like a straw man.

Posted by: Zeke | Jan 21, 2008 11:32:41 PM

Here's an example of "begging the question" in relationship to this story:

The Bible is the word of God.

The cleanliness codes of Leviticus forbid male/male sexual acts.

God says male/male sexual acts are unclean so therefore homosexuality is unhealthy.

THAT is begging the question because the foundation of the argument is based on an unproven premise, that the Bible is the word of God.

Here's another example of begging the question:

The Bible is the word of God because the Bible, which is the word of God, says it is the word of God.

There is never a "question" involved in "begging the question".

The reason I made such a big deal about this is because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your site and your clever and entertaining writing style. I can't wait to see you use "begging the question" in a proper way that will really drive a point home. I think the two examples above show just how effective a tool the tactic can be.

By the way. Don't post this on the comment board. I wanted this to be a personal correspondence. I probably could have found a better way to go about it but I'm pretty sure you read comments before posting them.

Thanks and keep up the GREAT work my friend.

Posted by: Zeke | Jan 21, 2008 11:48:12 PM

Wow, who knew the controversy over "begging the question" had become so heated. ;-)

Yes, Zeke, I'm aware of the historic usage of "begging the question." However, in modern vernacular it has been widely (and controversially) adopted to mean "a question begging to be asked." So without giving it much thought, I used it instead of "raising" or "posing," because it makes it sounds more urgent. When posing a ridiculous question like the one in the post, it makes it punchier to imply that the masses are CLAMORING for an answer. So that's why I used it.

I promise to never do so again. ;-)

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 22, 2008 8:34:31 AM

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