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'Renew America': Barack gonna let queers have the sodo-AIDs

by Jeremy Hooper

"Obama will install sodomy as every homosexual's right."
"[Obama] is for...increasing AIDS/HIV via legitimizing homosexual activity."

The above are predictions that pastor Grant Swank makes in a new anti-Obama column posted to the far-right Renew America website.

"News flash: The sex acts that you so charmingly refer to as "sodomy" are already well within the rights of all Americans (gay or straight).  So yes, hopefully Obama's not gonna introduce 'Sodomite-stoning.'
'Legitimizing' homosexual behavior would be a way to decrease HIV/AIDS, as encouraging gay youth to be out, open, and in search of the same sorts of happiness as their hetero peers would decrease promiscuity.  Also, growing the f**k up and dealing with gays lives and loves as they realistically exist would allow us to have open and honest discussions about safe sex practices and the risks that unfortunately face ALL active adults." 

The above are reactions that this website will never stop unleashing until we reach the day when those people who call themselves "pastors" stop declaring their God to be a queer-hating monster who must have misplaced the recipe when he was baking up his batches of gay folks.

It's up to you which fight you wanna get behind (ours or the wrong one).

Sweet bubble Obama is left of left. Right for America? [Renew America]

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Your thoughts

Speaking of God as a queer-hating monster, I like Bishop Tutu's recent BBC interview:

"Our world is facing problems -- poverty, HIV and AIDS -- a devastating pandemic, and conflict," Tutu said.
"God must be weeping looking at some of the atrocities that we commit against one another.

"In the face of all of that, our Church, especially the Anglican Church, at this time is almost obsessed with questions of human sexuality."

He said the Anglican church had appeared "extraordinarily homophobic" during the row over whether the openly gay priest Gene Robinson should be allowed to become the Bishop of New Hampshire.

Tutu said he was "saddened and ashamed" of the church over the row.

Asked if he still felt ashamed, he replied: "If we are going to not welcome or invite people because of sexual orientation, yes.

"If God, as they say, is homophobic I wouldn't worship that God."

Amen to that.

PS: I see the html formating was stripped away. Any reason for that?

Posted by: Bill Ware | Jan 8, 2008 9:10:51 PM

Bill: What do you mean by the html formating was stripped away?

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 8, 2008 9:39:49 PM

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