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Signed, sealed, and delivered from evil: NY Episcopalians say 'sorry'

by Jeremy Hooper

A coalition of leaders from seven Episcopal congregations in Western New York have released on open letter to the LGBT community, apologizing for the abuses that we have faced at the hands of faith.

Much better than the two close-minded letters that the Southern Baptists have been sending our way for years: F-U!

Buffalo Churches Apologize & Welcome Gay People [Outcome Buffalo]

**Full text of the letter can be read below:

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An Open Letter to the GLBT Community:

We leaders of Episcopal congregations in Buffalo want to offer our apology and ask forgiveness from the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community. For centuries the institutional church and organized religion have slandered, tortured, disenfranchised and sometimes murdered members of the community. We ask forgiveness for using our Sacred Scriptures to wrongly justify hatred, bigotry, prejudice and violence against those of different affectional orientation and gender identification, both in the past and, unfortunately, still today.

As leaders of congregations, some of us openly gay and lesbian, we are humbled and vow to use our influence to change not only our religions but our laws that seek to marginalize the GLBT community. If you would like to seek an organized religion, we would urge you to attend as many different denominations and spiritual paths as you can. There are several that will welcome you. If you wish to seek an Episcopal Church, those of us listed below promise a welcoming and loving community for you, and/or your partner and your children.

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Your thoughts

well, that was refreshing.

Posted by: banshiii | Jan 11, 2008 10:33:39 PM

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