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Video: Keepin' up with Cohen

by Jeremy Hooper

The ties between Rev. Sun Myung Moon's extremely gay-unfriendly Unification Church and discredited and unlicensed "ex-gay" researcher Richard Cohen (himself either a former or current member of the church) continue. Recently, Universal Peace Television, which is connected to the Moon-controlled United Press International, gave a platform for the "pillow-beating" Cohen to once again disseminate his views in a completely unchallenged fashion:

You know something that certainly is in-born? The human mind's ability to pull ideas out of one's ass and present them as truth. We see it all the time in our youngest relatives. From the moment we learn how to talk, we learn how to disseminate the ideas that are most conducive to our goals. And folks like Cohen fully embrace that idea, as they attempt to make it sound like since science has not definitively pinpointed one or a combination of genetic gay markers, then their "ex-gay" ideas are just as or even more deserving of credibility as any other.

It's like the 4-year-old who says she's going to be both a princess and a firefighter when she grows up. Both she and Cohen take advantage of both the concept of human imagination and the limits of definitive refutation to carry out their fantasies. Bit while the lil' regal firefighter-wannabe is not hurting anyone or anything other than perhaps her own ability to fulfill her career goals, Mr. Cohen has actual lives being shaped by his "don't be a fairy" tale. That's disturbing.

Re: Love Won Out - "Advice Given To Parents" [YouTube]

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