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Video: The part of unscrupulous fibber will be played by Stuart Shepard

by Jeremy Hooper

Ready to be enraged? Well here, listen to how Focus on the Family's Stuart Shepard presents the recent controversy surrounding the booking of virulently anti-gay pastor Ken Hutcherson to speak at a high school MLK Day ceremony:

Yes, that's right -- Stuart makes it sound as if Hutcherson is simply a Bible-believing pastor who was booed by those evil, evil liberals. There's not one mention of Hutcherson's threats to overtake Microsoft so that he can force its hand on gay rights issues. There's not one mention of Hutcherson's involvement with the frighteningly anti-gay Watchmen on the Walls group. No, no -- James Dobson's "good friend" Ken is made to sound like an upstanding man of faith who's done nothing more to earn ire than hold an anti-marriage equality stance, and who was therefore booed for "simply believing that marriage should be between a man and a woman." And with Stuart mentioning Hutcherson's race at every opportunity, it is obvious he is also trying to make it sound as if he should be immune from scrutiny because he is an African-American. It is truly one of the unapologetic misrepresentations we have ever seen from our opposition (and that is saying mucho!).

Just a tip, Focus on the Family: Internet videos tend to be more useful for everyone if you wipe the bullsh*t off the lens before hitting record!

Booing The Pastor [YouTube]

**UPDATE: We have tried to leave three diff. comments on the video. True to far-right form, they have refused to approve any of them.

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Your thoughts

Looks to me like somebody's protecting his boyfriend. Is the video poster one of those "strong, powerful white men" that Hutcherson claims are "behind him"?

Posted by: Scott | Jan 29, 2008 10:34:26 AM

Well your not the only one having problems getting there comments posted. Its one of the annoying realities of youtube and the Internet in general. Personally I think its absurd. Either post comments or turn them off all together, don't simply pick and choose so that you are perceived as being actually open to differing points of view when in reality you would rather only hear the eco of your own voice.

Posted by: Patrick B | Jan 29, 2008 1:03:45 PM

Also: newsworthy is an adjective, not a noun. Obviously he has hated teachers from an early age.

Posted by: Emerson | Jan 29, 2008 1:13:33 PM

It's true, Patrick. At this site we do moderate the comments. However, we do so only so as to (a) eliminate all spam, and (b) know what is being said, so as to engage in the conversation. There has only been one comment denied since we started them, and that was because it was like a three page long list of nothing but expletives.

It's really quite telling how afraid the far-right is of dissension. Why not have enough confidence in your arguments to trust that you'll be able to refute the other side with your own logic?

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 29, 2008 1:21:56 PM

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