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WARNING: If guy behind you has HRC bumper sticker, pull over

by Jeremy Hooper

200801031720From the "Why we prefer public transportation department" comes this: New research coming out of London indicates that gay men and women (of any orientation) are the worst drivers:

Women and gay men are 'worst drivers' [Telegraph]

News to which the world's heterosexists and misogynists replied, "Holy sh*t -- All this time we thought we were just making crude jokes on the basis of our disdain for certain groups of people. Who knew we were actually scientists ahead of our time?! Wow, now we don't feel so badly about what we didn't feel badly about anyway!"

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Your thoughts

I'm afraid if you can tell if the guy behind you has an HRC sticker, you're driving pretty wacky yourself!

Posted by: AustinDave | Jan 4, 2008 8:46:02 AM

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