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Hmm...well what about your bath? Also off limits?
Though the years, we've seen our opposition come up with some pretty silly domain names. There are fallacious doozies like truthatschool.org, the likes of which contains anything but veacity. For a brief time, there was a nutty site called nogayear.com, which sold anti-gay tee shirts and paraphenalia. There's also a straightpride.com website, which challenges gay pride by supporting the "undisputable [sic] fact that the best home for children is an intact, two-parent, married mom (female) and dad (male)." And of course who can forget Westboro Baptist's "charming" stable of sites, including godhatesfags.com and yourpastorisawhore.com.
So many silly sites to choose from, so little time. However, a newly launched effort from some anti-gay activists in Montgomery County, MD, just might take the "You seriously bought that domain name?!" cake. We all know that our opposition has no greater fear than showering next to a transgender person in public facilites. So in protest of a recently-passed measure that amends the County Code and sections of County law to “prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations, cable television service and taxicab service on the basis of gender identity,” a group of activists have launched an attempt to repeal it under the laughable web name:
Because, of course, we all know that the transgender community is just waiting around with their towels and rubber duckies, waiting for helpless heterosexuals to enter into a public shower and ultimately drop the soap. It's not non-discrimination that they seek. No, no -- it's sneaking a peak at the package of the person next to them at their local pool's communal shower.
::Writer rolls eyes so dramatically he's sure that if he were a transgender person, the aforementioned activists would accuse him of trying to catch a glimpse of their goods::
The "Not My Shower" kids are using their humorously-named site to try and collect signatures of over 25,000 registered voters before February 16, so that they can place the issue on the ballot in November. We, however, suggest they instead go spend sometime in those showers that they are so aggressively protecting, as their dirty tactics to undermine nondiscrimination could certainly use a good cleansing.
Your thoughts
Sheesh...they're all so up in arms about men going into women's bathrooms; are they totally unfamiliar with the concept of FtM transsexuals?
Posted by: Molly | Jan 14, 2008 9:24:25 AM
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