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Yes, b/c the nation's young boys are just dying to say they're girls

by Jeremy Hooper

While they may have failed in their petition drive, our opposition has certainly not stopped misrepresenting SB 777 (the much ballyhooed California measure that strengthens nondiscrimination in public schools). Continuing the never-ending attempts to one-up each other with outrageous claims regarding , Bob Tyler of some group called the Advocates for Faith and Freedom is now telling Focus on the Family's Citizenlink:

"This is a significant day due to the fact that the law is now in effect, and it could completely redefine how we've segregated males and females in the history of our nation,

It's such an outrage to have a law that actually requires schools to allow boys to use girls' restrooms. Basically, we're licensing predatory behavior.

And he's of course absolutely right, if by "basically" he means "in no way, shape, or form," and by "allow boys to use girls' restrooms" he means "allows kids to use the bathroom that truly matches their gender identity (which might differ from the sex they were assigned at birth)." He's also totally correct about "licensing predatory behavior," if by that he means "empowering schools to target and thwart bullying and harassment." Since our foes love talking in code-wording so much, we're just gonna go ahead and assume that our interpretation is truly what Mr. Tyler is meaning to say, but the "pro-family" machine has forced him to hide his true conveyance behind a linguistic smokescreen.

But in the off-chance he really is trying to imply that this measure will give young, horny hetero dudes a free pass into the young ladies' room where they will proceed to prey on the innocent lasses youthful exuberance, let us just go ahead and say on behalf of every reasoned person: "STOP TELLING US WHAT THESE SORTS OF MEASURES WILL DO AND START LISTENING TO WHAT THE SUPPORTERS AND BACKERS ARE ACTUALLY TELLING YOU!!!!!! YOU MIGHT START TO SEE JUST HOW SILLY YUOR HISTRIONIC HYPERBOLE MAKES YOUR TEAM LOOK!"

Lawsuit to Stop Pro-Homosexual Calif. Law Moves Forward [CitizenLink]

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Your thoughts

If you cant defeat the argument that your opponents make, defeat the argument that they didn't make and pretend its the same.

Posted by: Suricou Raven | Jan 15, 2008 7:56:06 AM

Too true, Suricou.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 15, 2008 8:20:31 AM

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