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Nice win for Heather and her two mommies
The Wirthlins and the Parkers, the two Massachusetts families who were instantly turned into evangelical martyrs after they opposed gay-inclusive, pro-acceptance children's books being read to their children in their public school classrooms, have encountered another setback in their attempts to legally place religious freedom on a higher pedestal than all others. In agreement with a lower court ruling, a federal appeals (accurately) court ruled yesterday that the state's public schools do not have to "shield individual students from ideas which potentially are religiously offensive," and that the pro-gay ideas being presented do not stifle the parents' right to religious expression:
1st Circuit backs schools' lessons on gay families [First Amendment Center]
But never ones to be deterred, the "pro-family" attorneys representing the Parkers and Wirthlins have indicated that they will take this case all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. Because, of course, taking the easy, non time-wasting, not litigious route of removing your head from your ass and realizing that the world would be a better place if none of us were ever taught gay hate and discrimination, is a completely out of question scenario for our heterosexist opposition. So sad.