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And they wonder why people don't read

by Jeremy Hooper

200802111227Texas' Rick Perry, debatably our nation's most queer-hostile governor, has written a new book.  The Austin American-Statesman has printed some excerpts.  Here now, some of the juicier gay-centric passages:

“The point is that Scouting is not the place for sex education. When a gay or lesbian leader makes an issue of his or her sexual preference, it makes it impossible to remove sexual conduct from the Scouting realm.”

“Though I am no expert on the ‘nature versus nature’ debate, I can sympathize with those who believe sexual preference is genetic. It may be so, but it remains unproved. Even if it were, this does not mean we are ultimately not responsible for the active choices we make. Even if an alcoholic is powerless over alcohol once it enters his body, he still makes a choice to drink. And, even if someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, he or she still makes a choice to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender.”

“A loving, tolerant view toward those who have a different sexual preference is the ideal position—for both the heterosexual and the homosexual. I do not believe in condemning homosexuals that I know personally. I believe in valuing their lives like any others, as our God in heaven does… Tolerance is a two-way street. The Boy Scouts is not the proper intersection for a debate over sexual preference.”

“The ACLU is nothing if not tenacious in its determination to have atheism (represented by approximately 5 percent of the population) prevail in the public square and to force the Boy Scouts to accept gay activists as scoutmasters and assistant scoutmasters.”

“Whether it is protecting the rights of pornographers, molesters, perverts, terrorists, garden-variety thugs, or those merely hostile to a belief in God, the ACLU is there to provide aid and comfort, in additional to a well-funded legal arsenal.”

”“It is not as if the Boy Scouts teach intolerance toward the atheist or the homosexual; it is just not the purpose of the Scouts to engage in a debate about these issues… In a wider context, it is also not my personal belief that society should condemn either the homosexual or the atheist. We must draw a line in the sand: people have the right to decide for themselves what they will believe in the core of their being, and how they will live… For those who want to throw stones at homosexuals in the name of calling out sin, may they be just as loud about adultery among heterosexuals and pornography among their own churchgoing friends.”

“You can’t have a rational discussion with the left about nature versus nurture, global warming, or the validity of evolution because they claim science has already weighed in. Yet, science reveals new discoveries all the time and in so doing, for instance, makes the evolutionary explanation less plausible.”

“Scouting will survive as long as it sticks to the virtues and values of the great middle class.”

So to summarize: Gays have a "preference," while heterosexuals simple have a sexuality.  By simply being truthful to themselves and their co-workers, gays are automatically pushing their "sexual conduct" into the realm of Scouting.  Gays' "chosen" sex lives can be likened to alcoholism.  Those who do not tolerate gays deserve the same credence as those who accept everyone.  And the gateway to Hell most certainly lives somewhere within the basement of the ACLU's headquarters.

If those are the "virtues and values of the great middle class," we'll gladly stick with the ideals and ethics the of the upper and lower class sinners!

Excerpts: Perry on gays, Boy Scouts and ACLU [Austin American-Statesman]

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Your thoughts

The governor knows more about the “nature v. nurture debate than he would care to let on.

In 1998 I managed a congressional campaign in east Texas when Governor Good-hair was running for Lieutenant Governor Good-hair. He made a campaign stump at a breakfast for my candidate and let’s just say, with this book and his rhetoric of the past, the lady – and her hair – doth protest too much.

But keep in mind this is the man who invited Ted Nugent to perform at his inauguration. Nugent, clad in a confederate flag t-shirt, shouted profanities while using machine guns as props.

Posted by: Jon-Marc | Feb 11, 2008 1:28:10 PM

Perry: “The ACLU is nothing if not tenacious in its determination to ... force the Boy Scouts to accept gay activists as scoutmasters and assistant scoutmasters.”

Huh? I don't recall having been a gay "activist" when I was outed and quietly ushered out of the BSA. They certainly helped turn me into one AFTER that happened though.

I didn't talk about my personal life with scouts, just like hetero leaders are instructed not to. It's just common sense. The idea that being out as gay makes a discussion of sexual conduct "unavoidable" is false. It's like saying we shouldn't allow married leaders or those with children because there's no way to seperate these situations from "a discussion of sexual conduct".

One of my inspirations in Scouting was a young leader that I later found out to be gay - the now journalist, Eli Sanders. It's sad to think that Scouting deprives kids of great role models like Eli, simply because they're gay. Moreover, how great would it have been for my young self had I known, at the time, that my idol at the time was gay. I would've known that gay people were not like the stereotypes and lies I had been told. I would have known that it was ok to be gay. I guess that's what people like Gov. Perry are worried about.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Feb 11, 2008 1:38:44 PM

If these regurgitated talking points are representative of the whole book, I find myself wondering why Perry even bothered writing the darn thing. Well, other than the fact that his target audience seems to like buying more books filled with the same regurgitated talking points.

GayMormonBoy: Did the heterosexual scoutleaders you knew ever talk about their private lives with the scouts? That's what I find annoying about the whole thing. If a heterosexual mentions their spouse and kids, it's just conversation. If a gay person mentions their lover (I do not like the word "partner" for various reasons) even in passing, it's and attempt to push some huge political agenda.

Posted by: Jarred | Feb 11, 2008 1:55:13 PM

This guy is totally unhinged.

“You can’t have a rational discussion with the left about nature versus nurture, global warming, or the validity of evolution because they claim science has already weighed in. Yet, science reveals new discoveries all the time and in so doing, for instance, makes the evolutionary explanation less plausible.”

Lets hope that Einstein's Theory of Relativity isn't invalidated by some new discovery. Every commercial jetliner today uses a direct application of that theory for navigation - the optical gyro.

But governor, it's just a theory. You'd better take the train.


Posted by: dave b. | Feb 11, 2008 1:58:29 PM

“The point is that Scouting is not the place for sex education. When a gay or lesbian leader makes an issue of his or her sexual preference, it makes it impossible to remove sexual conduct from the Scouting realm.”

I did not join the scouts. I went to one meeting but it was boring and the scoutmaster sat across the picnic table from me chain-smoking.

However, I recall that the scouting manual did discuss masturbation (or maybe that was my dad's copy). I guess at that time it WAS a place for sex education.

Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Feb 11, 2008 2:48:48 PM

"And the gateway to Hell most certainly lives somewhere within the basement of the ACLU's headquarters"

If that were true, my office wouldn't be so damn cold.

Posted by: Rachel Perrone | Feb 11, 2008 3:04:03 PM

Rachel: I'm not completely sure, but from what I can ascertain after four years of culture war study is that the Hellmouth alternates between the ACLU, HRC, the DNC, Planned Parenthood, and Hollywood. Maybe it's just not your time.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 11, 2008 3:20:35 PM

"Yet, science reveals new discoveries all the time and in so doing, for instance, makes the evolutionary explanation less plausible."

Oh really? Less plausible? The evolutionary explanation FOR WHAT? Less plausible THAN WHAT?

There are new discoveries that invalidate evolution? Dang! Hope no one tells any biologists, they'd be most upset. :D What an idiot.

Posted by: Willie Hewes | Feb 11, 2008 3:44:15 PM

I could almost pass off their policy of no gay scout leaders as being simply ignorant, but they kick out gay kids too. It's only going to get worse with kids coming out earlier.

Posted by: Robguy | Feb 20, 2008 10:57:50 PM

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