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Audio: But what about your bath? Is that off-limits also?

by Jeremy Hooper

200802291207We've told you a couple of times about the ludicrously named "Not My Shower" campaign, in which some Maryland-based anti-LGBT activists are trying to overturn a measure that extends protections to transgender individuals. Well in this newly posted audio from the Concerned Women For America, you can listen to the director of that spray wash-monopolizing group, Theresa Rickman, attempt to explain the whys behind her organization's trans-fearing endeavors. One hint: Fear that the trans community might look better naked is not the reason:

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Our favorite part? How frequently Martha Kleder gets the vapors over what she's hearing. At one point she "Oh My Goodness"es before any fallacious claims have even been made!

But then again, maybe instead of responding to the matter at hand, Martha is instead having an epiphany that she's dedicated a large portion of her life to pushing half-truths and untruths in order to demonize gays, liberals. transgenders, and anyone else who runs afoul the social conservative agenda. That would certainly shake up our internal sensibilities!

Audio source: Not My Shower! [CWA]

**It's of course easy to make it sound as if those on the pro-LGBT side are lying and being "illegal" in their actions of "intimidation." However, that's not how many others see it. For more on why, exactly, Dana Beyer and others think the signature gatherers were acting in an inappropriate an even unlawful manner, check out this Montgomery County Sentinel report: Petition Faces Big Road Blocks [Sentinel]

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Your thoughts

We need to get presepective here.... How many people will actually abuse this situation. A person that feels in their heart and soul that they are a women will not parade around showing his or her penis in a shower room or a bathroom. People don't have a physical sexual change without allot of anguish and thought. Would another women even know whether he or she is a women or a man...no ... Just do your business in the bathroom and the shower and get on with it. Don't judge what you don't know or understand. No one is out there to hurt anyone ... most inappropriate sexual behavior is usually presented by non homosexual, transgendered people...

Posted by: Carol Milroy | Feb 29, 2008 6:27:39 PM

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