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Clinton grabs 'Blade', attempts to cut through spin

by Jeremy Hooper

200802111132Hillary's calling Barack out for buddying up with "ex-gay" Donnie McClurkin, defending why she only supports a partial repeal of DOMA, and making a whole slew of promises to the LGBT community. And she's doing it all in a new Washington Blade interview. Check it out:

An interview with Hillary Clinton [Wash Blade]

But if none of Hillary's pleas work in shoring up the whole of the gay electorate, expect a sixty-year old politically-minded character who gives Shane a run for her money to pop up on the "L Word" season finale, and a butt-less chaps-clad Bill to show off his glow stick prowess at this year's White Party.

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Your thoughts

I'm sooooooo gutted Hillary is losing the nomination.

Posted by: Jujupiter | Feb 20, 2008 9:16:25 AM

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