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Forget the Oscars. It's time for the anti-Oscar/Oscars
Well, it's that time of year again, kids. The American Family Association has finally revealed the "Top Ten Pro-Homosexual Sponsors on Television," or as we like to call it: "The Top Ten Places You Should Probably Consider Shopping!" On this year's esteemed list:
1. Procter & Gamble
2. Verizon
3. Target
4. Ford Motor Company
5. Sears (also owns Kmart)
6. Honda
7. Daimler Chrysler Corporation
8. General Motors
9. Victoria's Secret
10. Macy's (Operates as Macy's, Bloomingdale's)
You know, everyone thought this would be the year that Target captured the gold. Look at Procter & Gamble sneaking in for the upset. We did NOT see that one coming.
But you know, we're really just glad that the writer's strike didn't prevent this awards show from going on in the first place. It would have been an American tragedy if we would have had to miss this hallowed institution!
Top Ten Pro-Homosexual Sponsors on Television [AFA]
**Note: To gather these results, the AFA once again used the humorously simplistic method of watching a small number of shows (8 this year) for a small period of time (two months; they claim it was 10/1-12/31, but the episodes they monitored actually only spanned from 10/3-12/6). Their effortless methodology makes the survey about as unfounded as it is gay-unfriendly.
Your thoughts
Chrysler hasn't been part of Daimler for several months (maybe a year?) now so AFA apparently doesn't read the business news.
But, hey, as proud Honda owner I don't really care.
Ironically Honda does not make HRC's list of gay-positive companies nor does it make gaywheels.com's list.
But the AFA considers it gay-friendly so that's fine with me.
Posted by: EthanB | Feb 21, 2008 2:54:46 PM
Hummm, looks like the AFA may soon run out of manufacturers from whom they may buy automobiles.
Posted by: Howler | Feb 21, 2008 4:58:56 PM
I'm going to use the links the AFA has so thoughtfully provided and contact these companies to voice my support for them and to urge them to keep on sponsoring these shows.
Posted by: Esther | Feb 22, 2008 6:25:35 PM
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