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Polish your résumés, fellow 'mos

by Jeremy Hooper

The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute (GLLI) is seeking qualified LGBT candidates who think they've got what it takes to serve in the next presidential administration. Head over to the Victory Fund's site for the details:

Leadership Institute launches Presidential Appointments Project [Victory Fund]

Unless, of course, Mike Huckabee somehow seizes the nomination and ultimately the White House. In that case, your gay ass is more likely to serve time in forcible reparative therapy than a presidential administration!

But let's not think about that for now. For now, let's think if "To rule the world with my gayness" or "To fill the nation with homo-goodness" is a better career objective to highlight.

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Your thoughts

I'm TOTALLY putting "to rule the world with my gayness" on my resume, right now! :)

Posted by: Maxine Dangerous | Feb 20, 2008 12:36:41 PM

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