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Superdelegates: A primer
In this whole horse race that we call the presidential race, are you confused about the so-called "Super Delegates" and how they are alloted? When the topic comes up over dinner with your politically-minded friends, do you quickly change the subject to your undying love for fondue? Does the whole thing make you feel like a complete and total dumbass who doesn't even deserve to participate in the political process?
Well fret not, all of you who chose to cheat off your neighbor during high school Government class. You can just head over to Logo's Visible Vote blog, where writer Jennifer Vanasco has penned a nice overview of who these delegates are, why they have such a role, and what makes them so damn super in the firt place. Check it out:
What Are Super Delegates? [Visible Vote]
Now next time someone says to you the words "Super Delegates," you'll never again give the embarrassing answer, "I'll have the soup, thanks."