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The canyon is grand, the suggested historical misstep is not

by Jeremy Hooper

In 2006, Arizona became the first state in which voters turned away a proposed constitutional gay marriage ban when it was presented to them at them polls. But never ones to take a hint, the state's "pro-family" marriage equality opponents are now taking another stab at writing bias into their most precious governing document. On Monday, Senate President Tim Bee (R-Tucson) proposed a new type of ban that would make it so that “only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage in this state”:

Legislators led by Tim Bee pushing to legitimize only heterosexual marriages [Cap Media via The Herald]

It remains to be seen if Arizona's potential mistake will even make it to the voters, or if said voters will reject it if it does. But enough about John Mccain -- we have this potential gay marriage ban to deal with.

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Your thoughts

This is hypocricy at work: often times "pro-family" people say that the people should vote on it right? Well the people of Arizona have spoken and they DO NOT WANT an anti-gay marriage amendment. So why are they trying to defy the voters?

Posted by: Nami | Feb 12, 2008 12:10:06 PM

Nami: Because their movement is a completely disingenuous one.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 12, 2008 12:14:58 PM

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