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The 'ex-gay' Voice: 50 years older and none the wiser

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 1-148On the Village Voice's "Runnin' Scared" blog, the venerable NYC alterna-paper runs a daily feature wherein they comb their archives and highlight the funny, odd, notable, and/or wrong-headed items that have run in their past pages. Today's entry highlights a 51-year-old advertisement that would be about as likely to run in the 2008 paper as Michael Musto would be to wholly surrender the trashy celebrity gossip crown to Perez Hilton:

April 3, 1957, Vol. II, No. 23
“In writing this book, I am thinking of the mass of young people—unhappy, bewildered, uninformed, sometimes suicidal—who, because of an appalling unavailability of accurate information, erroneously consider their homosexual difficulties to be their final destiny. I am thinking of the young wives of ‘bisexuals’…I am also thinking of the unhappy parents of young homosexuals…All this can be remedied by information combined with treatment, provided the prospective patient really wants to change.” From the Author’s Forward. Homosexuality: Disease or Way of Life? By Edumund Bergler, MD

In case history after case history, this book shows how today’s half-knowledge and ignorance on the subject of homosexuality is being used to bewilder and seduce a whole new age group. This is no book for the idly curious. It discusses, in clear terms, the causes and treatment of an increasingly serious social problem. $5.00

Wow, thew book was five dollars way back when? So let's see, here: If we adjust that price for inflation, today it would be -- add the two, divide the product, carry the one, round up to the nearest decimal point -- "quite costly for the gay people who swallow the bullsh*t as fact."

Impressed with our skills? Don't be. "Conversion doesn't work" mathematics is actually quite simple to grasp.

Clip Job: The Voice Gets Recognized, and 'Curing' Homosexuality [VV "Runnin' Scared"]

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Your thoughts

AIDS is about as much a gay disease as MRSA is a gay disease which its not. The question itself is hideously vulgar and you should be ashamed. That said, Originally, the media called aids the gay cancer releasing information that was inaccurate and scary to the homosexual community. As a result of releasing this information without knowing the causes or transmits, Lots of gay people started having more sex because they were all going to die anyway... or at least thats what they thought. Now the media is doing it again saying that gay men are 13 times more likely to get MRSA ... what they fail to mention was that this statistic is among HIV positive gay males. whose immune systems are already damaged. AHHHH! how irresponsible!

Posted by: Daniel | Feb 1, 2008 5:39:31 PM

Uhm, I think you might have posted this in the wrong place, Daniel.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 1, 2008 5:50:28 PM

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