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Video: Charles has bark(ley) and bite(ley)

by Jeremy Hooper

200802180841Back in the 90's, when this writer had to pretend to like professional basketball in order to carry on conversations with his NBA-lovin' adolescent pals, one player always stuck out as being a truly genuine, nice guy. Whereas Dennis Rodman had an admirable inconoclastic streak, Magic Johnson possessed a strong sense of resiliency, and Michael Jordan was teeming with the sort of "It" factor that could captivate even non-ballers with his high-flying showmanship, there was another player who seemed slightly less captivating in the obvious sense, but more like someone I'd genuinely want to have a beer with. What he lacked in flash, he made up for in quiet, centered, willpower.

I'm talking about Charles Barkley, former NBA player-cum-political figure. And now that same dude who made 90's b-ball all the more intriguing for this Hooper is trying to make the 21st century more inclusive towards my life and love. On Friday Barkley appeared on CNN's "The Situation Room" to slam the "fake Christians" who he feels have damaged the Republican party, voice his support for marriage equality, and announce his intent to run for governor of Alabama in 2014. Check it out:

Should he have clarified a little more that he's talking about one specific kind of "pro-family" type rather than all conservatives? Perhaps. But most of us understand exactly what he means, and the righteousness of standing up against the bullies who have hijacked both religion and the GOP for far too long!

Charles Barkley: Republicans/Conservatives = Fake Christians [YouTube]

**UPDATE, 2/19: 'Fake Christians' seek genuine apology [G-A-Y]

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