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Video: Coming out pre-Pac Man
1980. The gay community was about to be forever changed by both the coming AIDS crisis and the rise of the religious right. But before that oh-so-"happy" queer time, there came a period of post-70's hope. That hope for increased visibility, acceptance, and understanding is exemplified by the groundbreaking docu-drama "Michael, A Gay Son," which made its debut in Canada during the Reagan decade's premiere year. Here are two brief clips:
Perhaps it won't take 28 more years to render the need for such tools completely obsolete. Because let's be honest -- has this whole "head up the arse," "pro-family", "gays are evil" thing really helped ANYONE other than opportunistic preachers and their hangers on? We're thinking no.
Opening of Michael, A Gay Son [YouTube]
Excerpt from the documentary "Michael, A Gay Son" [YouTube]