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Video: Coming out pre-Pac Man

by Jeremy Hooper

1980. The gay community was about to be forever changed by both the coming AIDS crisis and the rise of the religious right. But before that oh-so-"happy" queer time, there came a period of post-70's hope. That hope for increased visibility, acceptance, and understanding is exemplified by the groundbreaking docu-drama "Michael, A Gay Son," which made its debut in Canada during the Reagan decade's premiere year. Here are two brief clips:

Perhaps it won't take 28 more years to render the need for such tools completely obsolete. Because let's be honest -- has this whole "head up the arse," "pro-family", "gays are evil" thing really helped ANYONE other than opportunistic preachers and their hangers on? We're thinking no.

Opening of Michael, A Gay Son [YouTube]
Excerpt from the documentary "Michael, A Gay Son" [YouTube]

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