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While our brains were off for the weekend
Obama swept four states. A shaken Clinton shook up her staff. Huckabee remained resilient, vowing to stay in the race despite John McCain's sizable lead. It was another weekend in this long, strange trip that we call the primary process:
Maine to Obama; Clinton Replaces Campaign Leader [NY Times]
Losses Signal Challenges for McCain [NY Times]
Will Clinton turn things around, or will Obama go on to take all of tomorrow's "Potomac Primaries"? Is Huckabee really now bucking for McCain's Veep slot? Will John Edwards endorse either of the Dems, and will that change the game any?
We don't know these answers. We do, however, know that these kids better get this all sorted out, as "Big Brother" starts this week, and there are only so many nomination ceremonies towards which we can direct focus. Priorities, ya know.