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Apples vs. oranges; homosexuality vs. homicide

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 24-10If you follow the so-called "culture wars," you've undoubtedly seen gays and homosexuality compared to any number of wholly dissimilar groups and characteristics. But Peter LaBarbera has gone to the trouble of compiling one of the most exhaustively comprehensive lists of this sort that we've ever come across, so we thought we'd share that with you now:

"Jesus Christ heals drunks. He heals drug-addicts and gamblers, womanizers, perverts, malicious gossips, rapists and murderers, prostitutes, pimps and their lust-filled “clients,” greedy businessmen, lying politicians, secular leftists, secular rightists, libertines, abortionists and women who’ve aborted their babies, atheists, selfish jerks, compulsive liars, adulterers, you name it.

And of course, He heals men and women caught up in the homosexual lifestyle..."

So let's see here -- we homosexuals are compared to those (of any orientation or gender) who abuse substances, make wagers, objectify women, talk shit about others, force sex upon someone against their will, take a life, sell their bodies, sell other people's bodies, patronize those who sell their bodies, take on a job in which they are motivated by profit, run for and carry out office in an unethical way, base their worldview in a mindset that's detached from religious rule, don't feel themselves bound by conventional wisdom, utilize their freedom to terminate a pregnancy (either through their medical practice or personal body decisions), have faith in science rather than God, are egocentric assholes, spread untruths, and/or cheat on their committed partners. Weird, because all this time we've viewed our always-present biological desires more like, say -- THE ALWAYS-PRESENT BIOLOGICAL DESIRES OF OUR HETEROSEXUAL FRIENDS!

Who knew that when we were taught proper comparison techniques way back when, the idea of noting similarity between two or more things came with the caveat: "EXCEPT WHEN DEALING WITH SEXUAL ATTRACTION"? Clearly our kindergarten teacher was nothing more than an atheistic libertine!

Is Jesus Powerless? [AFT]

**UPDATE, 3/25: Welcome Americans For Truth readers. For this writer's response to Peter's reply to the post you just read, see following link:

Peter guns for yours truly; yours truly replies, 'FINALLY -- he throws some traffic this direction for a change!' [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

More straight supremacist bullshit. Many people believe that being straight is the only sexuality or should be and that if you are not straight you are a horrible person. I'm hear to say, FU!!!! I'm gay.

Posted by: ProudGay | Mar 24, 2008 3:53:53 PM

I've gotten to the point with Peter where, since he is incapable of debating or present his case without Damned Lying, I choose to just ignore him.

What's funny is that I have great friendships with Christians from all sides of the religious spectrum.

But Peter, Sally Kern (the poor victim), Bam Bam Barber...they're not even respected in the mainstream of Christianity, so I don't see why our response as gay people who love God should be anything but "Whatever. We'll pray for you, too."

Posted by: Evan Hurst | Mar 25, 2008 4:53:33 PM

I've gotten to the point with Peter where, since he is incapable of debating or present his case without Damned Lying, I choose to just ignore him.

What's funny is that I have great friendships with Christians from all sides of the religious spectrum.

But Peter, Sally Kern (the poor victim), Bam Bam Barber...they're not even respected in the mainstream of Christianity, so I don't see why our response as gay people who love God should be anything but "Whatever. We'll pray for you, too."

Posted by: Evan Hurst | Mar 25, 2008 4:54:05 PM

Evan: Well for us, their words are often just a vehicle for what we wish to say to the larger society. While you are right that some of these folks are become increasingly more fringe, many of their ideas are still largely bought into by American society (at varying degrees). So being that they have appointed themselves anti-gay spokes people, they simply raise ideas for us to discuss. When we respond, it's often not these speakers who we are addressing -- it's the midwestern mother of a gay son who needs fact not crap.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 25, 2008 4:58:37 PM

oh, that's very true, and i commend you (and others) for having the patience to enter the fray with people like Peter.

what's funny is that, as i've pointed out to Peter, the greatest negation of their words is peoples' common experiences with gay people...when they realize that we really are just like them, and that 98% of what people like the Peter say are, quite simply, Damned Lies.

Posted by: Evan Hurst | Mar 25, 2008 9:47:05 PM

I wonder why you waste so much vitriol on people who believe the bible means what it says.
It's not like they are bending and twisting the words into new or unorthodox meanings to justify their position.
They are simply complying with what they believe GOD has set forth. Presumably you were taught it was poor manners to, oh lets say for example, blow your nose on the edge of the tablecloth at dinner.
Would you think it silly for someone to berate you for this bit of self control? No of course you would not. You would wonder why in the world anyone would encourage such disgusting behavior. How silly they would be. And this particular behavior would have a very slight chance of causing disease or death in others.
Christians believe as they do 1st because GOD said so and 2nd because science and nature prove their point. No amount of your outrage at their decision to accept reason over emotion is going to sway them so why not quit trying. You just look silly.
And in case it has not dawned on you, the reason you'll never persuade them is that they have the sexual desires and pretty much every other desire you have. But they are not allowed to justify or excuse them. Sin is sin is sin.
Whether a Christian does it or anyone else. Whether it's homo-or hetero, murder or greed or envy.
Vilifying them for rules they work to live up to that they did not make up is utterly unreasonable.
And aside from a very few not jobs that claim Christian status all I ever hear any of them say about homosexuals is to pray for them and love them. If you can't see that they can care about you while being certain your lifestyle is wrong then you are very very small minded.
But if you can understand it then why waste so much anger on those who can't be bullied over to your position?
It's just silly.

Posted by: Mitch Graves | Mar 25, 2008 10:22:30 PM

Mitch: We'll keep saying our piece and folks like yourself and Peter can continue to say yours. We'll leave the judgements about who "looks silly" and who sounds "utterly unreasonable" up to public opinion.

And we are not wasting "anger," by the way. For one, we work not from a place of anger but rather from a place of focused optimism. And it's never a waste to stand up for your life and your love.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 25, 2008 10:59:21 PM

I find it appalling that he put "atheists" in there, too.

It makes me want to sing him a song: "Bigger Fish to Fry," by Brad Paisley.

"But I cuss, I smoke
I laugh at dirty jokes
The minor vices
Man, I know 'em well
I've closed down bars
I've lusted in my heart
My ex's think I oughta burn in hell
But the devil he won't notice when I die
Don't you figure he's got bigger fish to fry"

Posted by: Lilo | Mar 26, 2008 1:29:39 PM


Peter, Bam Bam Barber, Sally Kern, Jim Dobson, and their diaspora don't show an ounce of love toward anyone different from them in any way.

They are the hypocrites Jesus railed against.

Posted by: Evan Hurst | Mar 26, 2008 4:04:23 PM

The homosexual lifestyle is abusive. It abuses body parts and the lives of the people who participate in the behavior. Putting all religious and moral arguments aside, there is plenty of medical and psychological evidence that shows the disasterous effects of homosexual behavior. No amount of shouting or name-calling on your part will change the facts. Plenty of people in this country can see through your political and media smokescreens and will not accept your distorted view of reality.

Posted by: Joe | Mar 27, 2008 10:42:22 PM

Oh, Joe. It's not a lifestyle. We're not name-calling. The "abuse" and "disaterous [sic] effect" come from skewed perception.

But you are right about people starting to see through the smokescreen. However, my friend, the truly hazy mire through which we've all had to muck is coming from your side, not ours.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 27, 2008 11:28:19 PM


get me posting

kenin smith


Posted by: Kevin Smith | Aug 22, 2008 7:41:46 PM

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