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Audio: Why the 'mount'ing hesitancy, CWA?
So the following audio, focusing on what social conservatives perceive as Barack Obama's religious hypocrisy, was up on the Concerned Women For America's website for a brief minute today. Then it just suddenly disappeared, and we can't figure out why.
Is it just too boring? Does it come across too much like a one-sided sermon? Or is there something we're missing? It's not like CWA to pull these sorts of thing once they're recorded (unless there's some obvious reason). Anyways, go have a listen and see if you can find a reason:
*The now-dead web link: Does Sermon on the Mount Bless Gay Unions (we're paraphrasing the headline)[CWA]
**The still-active (yet not publicized) audio source: http://www.cwfamedia.org/media/cw20080306l.mp3
Your thoughts
What makes this whole conversation ridiculous is that they are trying to hang this entire liberal interpration of the Bible on Obama.
He didn't come up with this. It's what his and other accepting Christian faith groups believe.
They're all uppity about the media not latching onto this, but of course the reason they're not is that it's a non-story. Obama's not claiming any new revelation - he's just affirming his belief in a more accepting and ever more common view of Christianity.
Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Mar 6, 2008 7:57:58 PM
What audacity! For this man to call people who are faithful and accepting, "unserious" about their faith! That really steams me. For God's sake, NOT ONLY "SECULAR LIBERALS" SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE AND UNIONS. I am a Lutheran, and while I'm certainly not what these people call conservative, I'm a conservative more of the old school.
So there, they could have me on staff as their "(philosophically) conservative Christian", and they'd not get an even minutely different response!
The only story here is that he apparently needs scripture to support his view. I certainly believe scripture permits and endorses gay religious marriages, but my political beliefs--those come straight from my views on liberty and equality.
Posted by: PSUdain | Mar 7, 2008 12:12:36 AM
And they complain like hell if it looks like someone is discriminating against their interpretation of the Bible but at the same time they do the same to Obama.
Hypocrites with a capital H
Posted by: a.mcewen | Mar 7, 2008 11:46:40 AM
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