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BREAKING, SHOCKING: Our opposition actually apologizes
Don't be alarmed, ladies and gents, but there is a very good chance that hell has just frozen over. And why do we think this, you ask? Well, because a "pro-family" personality has apologized for some horrid comments that he made, and has done so without using any real qualifiers or attempts to say that he was "misrepresented."
Last week, as you might remember, the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg said the following in an interview with the Medill News Service:
Well now, in a posting to FRC's blog, Sprigg has issued the following statement:
In an interview with Medill News Service that was posted on the Internet last week, I discussed FRC’s opposition to an immigration bill that would allow foreign nationals who are the same-sex partners of American citizens to immigrate to the United States on the same basis as foreign spouses of American citizens. FRC does not believe that homosexual relationships are the equivalent of marriage, and we therefore oppose any legislation that would treat such relationships as the equivalent of marriage.
In response to a question regarding bi-national same-sex couples who are separated by an international border, I used language that trivialized the seriousness of the issue and did not communicate respect for the essential dignity of every human being as a person created in the image of God. I apologize for speaking in a way that did not reflect the standards which the Family Research Council and I embrace.
Okay, so sure he still stands in opposition to the fair and equitable treatment of our relationships. Also, he doesn't bring up the exact words that caused such a kerfuffle that it clearly resonated within the ranks of FRC. So we would guess that what he is sorry for is that he got caught, not that he made his initial comment. After all, saying you'd like to "export homosexuals" is not just a slip of the tongue or a brain fart. It has to be in your gut to make it past your lips.
But on the flip side: Here we have someone on the side that so frequently disrespects "the essential dignity of every human being" actually owning up to an instance in which he did exactly that. For these folks, that's something!
Statement by Peter Sprigg [FRC Blog]
Your thoughts
Well it's official. There will be a blizzard in Florida this summer.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Mar 27, 2008 6:08:51 PM
Funny, I thought his comments were a PERFECT reflection of what the FRC is all about.
Posted by: DCN | Mar 28, 2008 12:08:10 PM
Yea, well, that's one way of looking at it, DCN. But it's of course very unlike them to ever apologize for anything. So one has to wonder what went on behind the scenes to force him to do so!
Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 28, 2008 12:12:20 PM
Oh he'll run his trap and say it again NEXT week.
You know how republicans/"christians" get when those meds starts wearing off.
Posted by: Scott | Mar 30, 2008 12:14:04 AM
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