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Ellen tops Oprah; not in that way, gossipmongers

by Jeremy Hooper

200803261516And now in "America likes to be entertained by gays even if they can't be bothered to grant them full equality" news: Celesbian talk show host Ellen Degeneres has been declared the top daytime TV host in a new AOL Television poll:

Ellen named top TV host, Larry King least sexy-poll [Reuters via Yahoo!]

So we've been going about it all wrong, gays. What we needed to being doing in order to capture hearts and minds during the early 21st century Bush era was to dance around, make "ka" noises, and give away an assload of prizes to people who do nothing more than show up to listen to us talk. And all this time we thought highlighting little things like the inhumanity of bias, the guarantees of the constitution, and the joy that comes from peaceful acceptance were all it would take. ::sigh:: Egg meet face.

But mazel tov, Ellen D. You know what they say about civil rights battles: First comes the acceptance of us chatting with Miley Cyrus about her dog, then comes acceptance of our full equality!

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Your thoughts

Come on Jeremy, lighten up. Its okay to have someone cute and very popular be one
'of us.' Remember there is more than one way to 'skin a cat.'

Posted by: LOrion | Mar 26, 2008 3:43:14 PM

Uhmm..was that not light? I certainly didn't intend for it to be heavy.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 26, 2008 3:52:26 PM

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