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Kern draws a crowd; 'Oh how we love her' not a popular chant

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 6-119Today in Oklahoma City, a reported crowd of 300+ gathered at the state capitol demanding that Sally Kern apologize for her now notorious gay/terrorism-linking comments. The mass also called for the passage of LGBT-centric hate crimes legislation, the likes of which would help thwart off the sort of biased attacks that rhetoric like Sally's unwittingly sparks. The Oklahoman has filed this report documenting today's events:

Hundreds gather to protest Kern's comments [The Oklahoman]

Ker.n was reportedly no at the Capitol during the demonstration. Since she heard gays were going to be gathering in mass, we're sure she was at home gathering her duct tape, bottled water, and gas mask, just as is instructed in the government's terrorism preparedness guidelines.

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Your thoughts

I'm glad she's being called to task on this. And I hope her Democratic opponent takes note.

Posted by: Tony P | Mar 18, 2008 8:01:37 PM

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