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'LA Times': 'Will you civil union me?' doesn't have same ring to it

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 7-99It's no secret that many gay activists (including the writer of this site) find civil unions to be a shortsighted pit stop on the road towards full equality. But now it seems like that message is catching on even with people for whom the word "Stonewall" is synonymous only with a Confederate general or a city in Georgia. For instance, here's an editorial that ran in the LA Times over the weekend:

Civil unions aren't marriage [LA Times]
(H/t: Freedom To Marry)

True, it's the LA Times, a paper rarely accused of skewing right. But it's not The Advocate. It's a prime mainstream news outlet putting themselves on record so that fifty years from now they won't have to backpedal and explain why they chose discriminatory rhetoric over fair reality, or why they felt an interim step on the path towards equality was good enough for gay folks. And that's something.

Our message is catching on, while our opposition's is floundering. We're not out of the tunnel yet, but the light is certainly in sight.

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Your thoughts

I think the city in Georgia is Stone Mountain.


Posted by: Zeke | Mar 10, 2008 11:32:34 PM

My SO and I are engaged right now and were planning on a DP within a month or two until we heard about the pending decision on marriage here in CA. Now we've put off the formal union until after the decision (due within 90 days) so we will (hopefully) be able to be *Married* rather than merely "Domestic Partnered".

Posted by: Buffy | Mar 10, 2008 11:47:27 PM

Need to register to read the oped... will not do it. Please append appropriate quotes .

Doza Straight for Equality

Posted by: LMendoza MD | Mar 11, 2008 2:25:35 AM



Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 11, 2008 7:16:36 AM

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