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Sally kinda sorta (but not really) distances self from 'terrorism'

by Jeremy Hooper

Kern-With-Flags-796430-1She may be stubborn about offering any sort of an apology, she may feel that she needs to retain legal counsel, and she might think that it's proper to take emails that were sent to her and forward them to her buddy Peter LaBarbera so that he can publish them. But at least Sally Kern does seem to see some degree of nuttiness in her gays/terrorism-linking comments.

In a new press release issued by the aforementioned Peter LaBarbera, Sally is quoted as saying:

Kern told Americans For Truth that “perhaps my choice of the word ‘terrorism’ was not the best,” but that her comments were meant to be applied to the culture (war), in this way: just as terrorists seek to destroy America, homosexual activists are destroying the moral fabric of this nation.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Now we get it. Her comments were not literally meant to imply that we gays are like those who fly planes into buildings. She was just trying to say that we're like a cancer that is eating away at the world's morality. How could we have been so stupid?!?! We're not terrorists; we're just a pervasive, corruptive force. We're not like, gonna bomb America or anything. We just plan to slowly dissolve all that is good and righteous until every man, woman, and child collapses under the weight of our insidious agenda.

Thanks for clarifying, Sally. But do us a favor, lamb: Next time you try and disconnect yourself from a verbal misfire, please understand that the message is of far more concern than the semantics! You might be seeing the light a little regarding your usage of the term "terrorism." However, your mindset is still firmly wrapped around the idea that gayness is gonna eventually make 9/11 look like a minor incident. And that, S-Dog, is the real problem here.

LaBarbera Assails Homosexual Hate and Intimidation Campaign against Oklahoma Lawmaker Sally Kern [AFT]

**SEE ALSO: Sally has been fond of saying that her words have been taken out of context. Well, Equal Rights Project has the transcript from not only the gay portion of her speech, but rather the entire thing. See the context for yourself:
Transcript of the entire talk given by Rep. Sally Kern [ERP]

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Your thoughts

Unfortunately, I'll bet the 2 or 3 gay people she'll be talking to are from the asskissers squad. And in that case, the meeting will be a waste of time - for gay people.

Posted by: Scott | Mar 20, 2008 3:45:26 PM

what? no mention of metaphors? i'm shocked.

Posted by: c-freak | Mar 20, 2008 4:42:09 PM

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