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Spitzer swallows equality push? Or will Paterson step it up?

by Jeremy Hooper

200803111130Eliot Spitzer might have been the first governor in the nation to voluntarily introduce marriage equality legislation. But could a Spitzer resignation actually help LGBT rights? The Advocate's fabulous Kerry Eleveld takes a look at that possibility:

Could Spitzer's Woes Have a Silver Lining? [Advocate]

Of course we'll first have to see if the governor even resigns. At this point, however, his remaining in office seems about as unlikely as sex that's great enough to justify a $4,300 price tag.

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Your thoughts

I feel that CWA is only practicing selective enforcement on materials that they deem unacceptable. I think that if a school added the Bible to its reading list CWA would probably praise the school for lessons into “family values”, “morality”, and how the school was fighting against the so called “homosexual agenda.”
But any parent that wanted to remove the bible from the reading list by pointing out that the bible is loaded with murder, rape, intolerance for those of other religions, capital punishment for trivial offenses (children disrespecting parents), God sanctioned murder, Genocide (Sodom and Gomorra),misogamy and a whole host of there violent and profane acts would immediately be labeled as “anti-families values”, “anti-religion”, an atheist, Satan worshiper, and a homosexual activist.

Posted by: Jeff Chang | Mar 11, 2008 10:20:29 PM

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